Saturday, July 13, 2024

My Twice-Weekly Drive/My Summer "Job"

On Monday and Friday evenings, there is a Western Cookout at Parade Rest Guest Ranch, near West Yellowstone, MT. This is my 18th season as the entertainer for this cookout. The original idea was for us to have a "cowboy singalong" which, as you might guess, didn't fly at all.

Instead, I have tailored my performance to provide examples of Western, as opposed to Country, music. Marty Robbins, Eddy Arnold and that sort of thing, along with original songs and cowboy poems, written by myself or my friends. It's been a great ride and I haven't missed a single cookout in 18years.  This video is my original song: "Listen to the Wind".

For the last couple of years, because my companion, Joann, was sick and needed to be home each night, I have driven from Townsend, MT to Parade Rest and back for each cookout. It's 140 miles one way and sometimes is kind of a long trip. Now that Joann is gone, I still usually make the round trip because I have things to take care of at home which she used to do in years passed.

On Monday, July 8, I was on my way home in the evening and saw this young fellow in one of the Beaver Creek ponds, by Highway 287. There were some Sandhill Cranes there as well but they wouldn't come out for a picture.

I stayed over last night and came back this morning. It was a grand and glorious morning! As you can see from these pictures, the air was perfectly still at the same pond that had hosted Bullwinkle on Monday evening.

Also part of my drive is the Madison River Valley, from Ennis to Hebgen Lake. The scenery, the wildlife and the overall atmosphere are what makes this drive and event worth doing for 18 years.

Reverbnation Page

Friday, July 12, 2024

"BIG BOY Press Conference

Apparently, I'm the Lone Voice, Crying in the Wilderness about this.

POB had a "Big Boy Press Conference" yesterday and it was an utter disaster. He introduced Ukraines Comedian/President as "Putin" and Happy Kamala Harris as Vice President...wait for it...Trump. Other things he said and did were cringeworthy but those two were noteworthy.

Anyway, once again, the overwhelming shouts, even from the Dems, are that this Demented and failing old man can't beat President Trump in the election. Well, no shit. But, WHO CARES?!

What really matters and no one seems to want to say it, is that our country is currently without a functioning Commander In Chief. Am I the only one, outside our adversaries, who cares about that?!

Our close ally, Israel, is at war, essentially with our arch rival, Iran. We are funding a proxy war against Russia. China is ready to take over Taiwan while Russia and China are colluding to take over world finances. and who knows what North Korea is ready to do? Kim Jong Un probably doesn't know either.  Hundreds, maybe thousands, of  military aged Chinese and Muslim men have been pouring over our border for over a year.  And here we are, with no one to take charge.

While all the Dems and Their puppet media can talk about is how to beat President Trump in the election.

You think Russia, China, N. Korea and Iran don't get the fact that, right now, we are totally without leadership? In 4 months, we'll likely re-elect a real President (THE Real President!) and their window of opportunity will slam shut.

The next four months may be very interesting, and not in a good way.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

All that matters is "Who Can Beat Trump!"

For a couple of years now, we have all known that Poor Old Biden (POB) is totally unfit for ANY office. his dementia has been on full display. but we have been told to ignore our lying eyes and just trust the Media, the White House Spokesperson and everyone else on Team Biden. "He's fine!"

When POBs complete lack of mental and physical ability was on full display for the world, Democrats suddenly said: "Wow! He's really bad! He can't beat Trump so he needs to step down." The media was SHOCKED! Shocked, I tell you! They had No Idea that POB was that bad. Suddenly, the MSM is all talking about how his condition seems so bad that he should step down so someone who can beat Trump can take over. Apparently, the MSM hasn't been seeing the same videos of POB falling down, stumbling over his words, lost on stage, crapping himself in a meeting and all the other stuff he's been doing, right in front of us, that They just ignored, until it was on full display for the whole world. Even They had to start admitting that...maybe...there's something wrong.

Let me be clear. In my opinion, Biden and the Biden Crime Family have been reprehensible, corrupt criminals throughout his eternity in public office. But, his condition now, in the Presidents office, is NOT his fault. He's old and wearing out. So am I. So are many people around the world. The one at fault here is Jill Biden who allows her husband to be exploited in this manner. It looks like criminal elder abuse to me. However, this isn't my point.

My point is that the Democrats have been perfectly content with POB being unfit for the job into which They installed him. They knew his situation from the beginning and had Their own team of people ready to make the decisions, policies and orders that have nearly destroyed our country; probably on purpose. POB has not made any of these decisions. He isn't and hasn't been running the country. But the Democrats, including Their puppet media and Their Intel and "Justice" offices, have no interest in what's best for America. Never mind that Putin and Xi Jinping are rubbing their hands in glee at the current opportunities available to them while our country is without effective leadership. Never mind the deplorable (word used on purpose) state of our economy, our military, our energy and our border. The ONLY reason They have turned against POB (who is Their construct, after all) is because They are afraid that POB can't beat Trump in the upcoming election. Allowing our country to fall is acceptable as long as a Democrat is in the White House.

If someone is voting for POB again because of Trump Derangement Syndrome or just because POB has a D by his name, then shame on them. Voting for POB is voting for a shadow government with a completely incompetent (and likely incontinent) figurehead napping in a back room. If They replace POB with someone else, not because they can do a better job of running the country but simply because this new person might be able to keep President Trump out of office, then a vote for that new candidate is simply a vote, again, for the shadow government. A nameless, faceless group who installed POB in the White House in the first place (much like a new toilet) and has been deliberately running our country into the ground, under the name of POB, since. That deliberate destruction will continue if They get a new puppet in, even one who can find his way off a stage.

We are a laughing stock throughout the world and our adversaries are probably on Zoom meetings right now, setting a date. I still say that it is likely that we suffer at least one major attack in the very short time we have between now and the election. Those who wish harm to the United States know that NOW is the time for them to strike, while we are leaderless and impotent.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Black Sand Creek

Saturday, June 29, I had a great day. I hiked in to one of my favorite fishing spots (I was just hiking; no fishing this time) on Black Sand Creek, near West Yellowstone. It's about a 3/4 mile walk from Black Sand spring along an old access road that only we old farts know about.

The road's been closed by the Forest Service for many years but it was still an actual, drive-able road 50 years ago (50 years?!) when I was riding my bicycle out there to go fishing. It was a spooky ride back then and it's worse today.  Now the the "road" is just a faint pair of ruts through heavy timber. I have to admit that I wimped out and had my phone playing music while I walked. I might have seen elk, deer or moose if I had been quietly walking but I might as easily have come across a Griz so I let my phone clear the way. Funny, though, as I did spook a deer from the brush just in front of me at one point. If a DEER didn't hear me coming, the music wasn't chasing away any bears. Might as well have walked quietly.

Anyway, this picture is of an undercut bank on the creek. Very seldom, over the years, have I

drifted a fly along this bank and NOT caught a fish. Sometimes a pretty good sized one. There's about 1/4 mile of creek from here down to the intersection with the South Fork of the Madison and it's all pretty good for flyfishing.

Upstream of here, Black Sand creek is wider and shallower and the fishing has never been quite as good, except for those years (50 years ago?!) when there was a pretty good beaver dam just upstream from this spot with lots of big brown trout in it. Apparently, either the Forest Service or Fish and Game didn't like it so they blew the dam out a long time ago so where the beaver pond was is just a big, shallow flat now.

I have every intention of going back in here with my fly rod this summer. I'll hope for good pictures for y'all then, too.

Just a trail today

Tree growing in what was the road

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Do We Only Have Four Months Left?

My research for this article was very enlightening. I have to say that my original inspiration for this was different from the final results. Let's begin.

In 2016, during her campaign, Hillary Clinton claimed that Donald Trump would be a very dangerous President and that he just lacked the maturity and restraint necessary for the job. She very emphatically claimed that a Donald Trump Presidency could likely result in World War III (WWIII) and the Main Stream Media heartily agreed with her.

President Trump's rhetoric about Kim Jong Un and North Korea had the Main Stream Media (MSM) throwing fits and nearly crying on the TV about Trump pushing North Korea to attack us. Trump, who had threatened “fire and fury” and called Kim “Little Rocket Man,” was practically forcing NK to show us how tough they were. Trump was getting us into WWIII.

And, of course, the incessant MSM shouts of "Russia! Russia ! Russia!" in an atempt to make us all believe that Trump was in league with Vladimir Putin and we'd be subjects of Russia any day!

Then, suddenly, Trump and Kim Jong Un were meeting and Trump actually strolled with Un on the NK side of the DMZ. As President Trump, the Dealer in Chief, made a "deal" with Kim Jong Un, effectively putting a stop to all the NK saber rattling. How many missile tests, fired over Japan, since Trump and Un took their little walk? Hmmm? Once again, Trump was right. Here's the headline from a PBS article which tells the whole story: "Trump says tough rhetoric led to North Korea summit"

Trump didn't make idle threats. If he drew a "red line" then other countries believed there would be repercussions for crossing it. ISIS was all but eliminated. The Taliban was reduced in power. Trump was bringing troops home and conflicts were winding down.

Trumps sanctions of nearly every aspect of Iran's economy caused them to be in serious financial straights and not inclined to waste money on terrorism around the world.

Trump brokered a historical Middle East Peace agreement between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain, called the "Abraham Accords", which brightened the hope that more Arab countries might join in. A significant beginning for actual Peace in the Middle East.

Now, where are we? Well, most if not all of the successful peace efforts of the Trump Presidency have been nearly eliminated and we are seriously at the brink of WWIII. All the dire predictions about the Trump Presidency have become true or are nearly true except for one thing. It's all been during the Team Biden Presidency. All those things They said Trump would cause? Well, Team Biden has managed to either actually or nearly acheive!

As an aside, I don't blame Poor Old Biden. I personally don't believe he is in any way in control of what's going on. I don't believe he has the mental capacity to do any of the things that have been done. I blame what I call "Team Biden". A bunch of nameless, faceless, unaccountable background people who are actually making decisions and setting policy, with no concern for the welfare of the United States. Likely, quite the contrary.

Russia is in a war with Ukraine and everyone knows it's a proxy war between NATO and Russia; which means US and Russia. Recently, Team Biden authorized Ukraine to fire U.S. made missiles into Russian territory. Everyone knows that these higly technical missiles are NOT controlled by Ukrainian fighters, actually in Ukraine. The intelligence is technical, electronic, satelite technology and is guided by U.S. personnel, likely not even in Ukraine and probably not even in Europe. These missiles could be controlled by technicians in downtown Las Vegas as easily as in the Pentigon or London. Who knows?

Russia is VERY aware of this and has told us so now in no uncertain terms, since a Ukrainian missile attack, using U.S. made guided missiles, in Sevastopol caused the deaths and injuries of multiple civilians and we are blamed. The U.S. Ambassador to Russia was called in to the Russian Foreign Ministry where they accused the US of waging a “proxy war” and said retaliatory measures would “definitely follow”. No one has a precise definition of "retaliatory measures" but it doesn't sound good!

Other quotes from the Aljazeera article: “Such actions by Washington … will not be left without response,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Monday as it summoned the ambassador. “There will definitely be response measures. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the attack “absolutely barbaric” and said in a news conference that Moscow would react to the US involvement."

The week of June 10, 2024, Russian warships, including a nuclear submarine and a frigate, equipped with hypersonic missiles (for which we have no viable defense) were involved in an "exercise" in International waters, just off the Florida coast. Think that might be a wake up call? and that was BEFORE the Sevastopol missile strike!

Russia, China and several other countries are actively advocating for a different international currency under an organization called BRICS, which could destabilize the Dollar, possibly even put the U.S. in financial default.

Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un recently took a little walk in North Korea and signed a mutual defense agreement.

Israel and the Palestinians are now locked in destructive conflict in the Gaza strip after a cowardly and evil Hamas terrorist attack into Israel.which is most likely financed by an emboldened Iran. Guess that Peace Agreement that Trump managed to put together kind of got kicked to the curb with the current "administration".

So, let's recap. During the Presidency of Donald Trump, Iran had to forgo much of it's financing of international terror in order to keep the lights on at home. Peace agreements were arranged with North Korea and some countries in the middle East. Not only no NEW wars started during those four years but the ones we WERE fighting were winding down and President Trump was bringing troops home. President Trump had arranged peaceful relations with North Korea.

Now, after three years of Team Biden, Russia is rattling sabers nearly within sight of our shores, is actively fighting real war in Ukraine, while we fund and even assist their opponent, causing Russia to blame us for what amounts to a terror attack on Russian civilians. This causes Russia; one of the worlds Superpowers, to say: "retaliatory measures would “definitely follow”. Russia is now actively aligned with China and North Korea. Israel is at war with Hamas, on the Israel doorstep, and we actively fund that war as well.

Hundreds of military aged Chinese and Islamic men are illegally crossing our border every day.

I've cited all these facts to say this. It's likely that, barring another stolen election (call it what it was...a coup!), it's most likely that President Trump will be re-elected (again) and this time actually take office...again. The bad actors of our world, who would like to destroy and take over this "Choice land, above all other lands" are well aware of the fact that if we have a REAL President, all Their plans will at least be delayed if not completely thwarted. In other words, They CAN'T let President Trump be re-elected. Can Not. I dearly hope that President Trump has his own Security in place and isn't relying on the same Secret Service that was guarding President Kennedy.

Any of these countries which might have plans to attack us know that if President Trump keeps his promises, which he did last time, then They will lose Their opportunity. So, if it looks like President Trump will actually be re-elected, I think we should be prepared for an attack before he can take office, while Team Biden is still in "control" and our country is weak and essentially leaderless.

In my opinion, it's entirely possible that WWIII will be initiated for real within the next four months.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Is President Trump the Anti-Christ?

I want to address my thoughts about President Trump and some of our Current Affairs. During his first Primary election, in 2016, I actually liked Ted Cruz a little more and voted for Cruz in that primary. But, at the time, I said that I'd be comfortable with either candidate. President Trump won that primary with over 14 million votes: the most for any candidate in Republican primary history.

Those who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) are quick to point out some of President Trump's issues with women, his previous financial dealings and possibly shady business practices. All that may be true. I do find it interesting that, with all the INCREDIBLE effort that has been taken to find SOMEthing criminal in his past, the best They could do was to resurrect a possible misdemeanor, artificially manage to increase it to a felony and then try him in an unfriendly court with an obviously biased judge and jury. For the most investigated man in history, this is the worst They can find?

If we take all of this at face value, President Trump, in the past, has cheated on his wife, not only with willing participants but with hookers as well. Basically, the Charlie Sheen of the real estate set. He probably has authorized lies and subterfuge in order to secure lucrative contracts or "deals" in his business. He's most likely exaggerated his wealth and his importance for personal gain, either financial or to get into bed with another woman.

But, before he announced his candidacy against Hillary, President Trump was friends with ALL these now TDS Democrats. Well, maybe They didn't like HIM but They sure loved his money! He was an "A lister" wherever he went.

Is President Trump a bad guy, just conning us all in order to take control of the world? Or, just to be President again? There is actually some concern in my mind that President Trump MAY be the Anti-Christ, carefully crafting his grasp of world power. I like to consider questions like this in the light of available facts, along with logic and common sense. So, let's do that.

Matthew 7:16-20 King James Version
"16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. "

"The 14th of June, 1946 is the birthday of a boy born in the Jamaica District of Queens, New York City.

A USMC Sargent spends 7 months in a Mexican prison for a minor charge. He is beaten. The man from Queens sends him a check for $25,000 "To get you started."

A Black bus driver saves a suicidal girl from jumping off a bridge. Our Queens man sends him a check for $10,000.

A rabbi's critically ill son needs to get from NYC to California for specialty care. No airlines will fly him. The generous man pays for a private flight for the child."

Most of the people who have worked for or with President Trump, either in his private business or in the Presidency, are fiercely loyal to him. He has advanced many women and minorities to positions of power and leadership in his private and public business. Trump seems to put the most qualified person in any job, with no apparent regard for race, sex, religion or any other irrelevant factor. With a very few notable exceptions, all those who have been around Trump, whether in his business or political deealings, are still strong supporters.

Let's look also at a little common sense. President Trump was a billionaire businessman/playboy. He has a gourgeous wife and wonderful children. More money than anyone could use up, his own golf resort, multiple homes and an income in the millions. So, he runs for the office of President of the United States. Half the country immediately vilifies him. His opponent, a former friend, hires people not only to dig up dirt on him but to make it up as well. The Steele Dossier is created, contracted and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. It makes outrageous and scandalous claims about Trump's personal life. He wins the Presidency, despite all the Main Stream Media assertions that he could NEVER. For years, claims that Trump was a Russian Asset and that his whole campaign was inspired by and even ordered by Russia, were daily news. When all that, the Steele Dossier, the "Russia. Russia. Russia" claims and all of it was proven false, very little mention was made in the Main Stream Media. President Trump donates his entire Presidential salary to charities, throughout his term.

He makes every effort to actually KEEP all his campaign promises.

Every effort that President Trump made to institute his ideas for the country were met with ridicule and rebuke. He was impeached, basically for things that Vice President Biden had actually done previously. President Trump was treated with contempt by those who, only a few years before, were partying, wining and dining with him. His friends were indicted for anything that Government agencies could find on them.

During the Trump Presidency, the U.S. Economy reaches unprecedented levels. Employment, especially minority employment, is the best in recorded history. The stock market booming, inflation down, manufacturing up. NATO countries begin paying their share of the costs of NATO. One of the biggest tax reductions in our history. Border security at an all time high. Trade with other countries becomes more lucrative because it was made more fair to all parties; but, mostly, made advantageous for the U.S. The military morale was at an all time high. The evil organization of ISIS was all but destroyed and terrorism diminished around the world. A Middle East Peace agreement was reached and Jerusalem became the capital of Israel. There were no new wars and much of our military was returned home from their overseas deployments.

Then, his re-election bid was lost; likely to fraud and theft. Afterward, he STILL was hounded by Legal issues, still vilified in the press, lost business, was fined and sued for millions of dollars.

Still, he runs for President again. Why? Does he just revel in being made a pariah? Maybe he thrives on insults and abuse? Possibly he enjoys being the defendant in court battles? If he'd just turn his back on this President thing, all this stuff would likely just go away. Could it be; and I'm just guessing here, that President Trump actually BELIEVES and MEANS what he says about loving America and wanting to Make America Great Again? Could he really be so naive that he thinks we could actually again be the leader of the Free World? A prosperous and happy nation? "A land, choice above all other lands"?

In my opinion, free for the asking and worth every penny...yes. For all his bombast, bragging, insulting, mean tweets, womanizing and complaining, I believe that President Trump truly means well for the United States of America. I believe he has and will put the needs of our country first and will stand up to all those who wish to bring us down.

Is he a good man, of good character? Welll...mostly. Do I think he's an effective, loyal and successful President with the right ideas for our Country? Absolutely.

He did it before. I think he'll do it again.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Get Ready Folks

Ok. I looked up from the depths of my depression over Joann and what I'm seeing concerns me.

Let's just gloss over the DEI stupidity and the Trans insanity. Those things are stupid and are causing dissension throughout the country but I'm thinking they may be more of a distraction than real issues.

What's real? Well, let's see. Our President is an obviously demented, doddering old fool who is NOT running the country! Quit blaming Poor Old Biden (POB) for inflation, lawlessness, EV mandates, oil prices and, most of all, current foreign affairs. POB has no idea what's really going on around him and is NOT making any of the decisions which are so negatively affecting our country and world. Putting POB out there as the figurehead is simply elder abuse. I'm not smart enough to know who is really making these decisions and causing the destruction of the United States of America but it appears to be a deliberate destruction.

So, while we fuss, bitch and complain among each other over men competing in women's sports, whether enough LGBTQ people have been hired by the local butcher or whether Electric Vehicles will save the planet, the masterminds in the background behind POB are working on ensured mutual destruction around the world. Let's call them "Team Biden" (TB).

TB has authorized Ukraine firing U.S. made weapons into Russian soil. Now, see if you can follow here. Ukraine military is NOT trained to deploy many of the weapons we've sent them. So, U.S. military or military contractors (can you say "C.I. A." ?) will have to train them or actually do the technical work themselves. In that case, U.S. personnel will be firing missiles into the country of Russia! You think that might be "poking the bear" just a bit? Well, maybe. Did you notice that Russia recently conducted "training exercises" just East of Florida? With a nuclear sub and a new Frigate, armed with hypersonic missiles?

Did you know that, in addition to trade issues, we are in a staredown with China over whether Taiwan is a sovereign state or just another piece of China? Admiral Samuel Paparo, who leads the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, says "I want to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hellscape using a number of classified capabilities".

A U.S. Admiral is threatening to use drone technology against China if they try to take over Taiwan. And the Chinese response? They don't seem to be particularly worried, and have said: "China can use its hypersonic anti-ship missiles to keep US aircraft carriers out of the region, and can jam the signals needed to control unmanned weapons."

So, we currently teeter on the edge of World War III, mostly because Team Biden has no idea how to handle foreign policy. Another contributing factor here is that the whole world is laughing at our Demento In Chief. EVERYone knows that POB is not in charge and that those who are are either idiots (certainly possible) or deliberately working to destroy America from within. It's the Globalist Agenda being played out right in front of us and it seems as if the majority of Americans are clueless.

None of this stuff would be happening if POB had not been installed in the White House. And you can believe that current events are EXACTLY why President Trump HAD to be removed from office and why They will go to any length to keep him from being back there. The Ukraine Proxy War would NEVER have happened if They hadn't put POB where he is. Neither would the Israel/Gaza war. Iran is back in the game as is ISIS. All these bad actors were neutralized by the actions of President Trump before, do you think They want him BACK?

Here's my prediction for the very near future. Since all the made up legal issues don't seem to be having any negative effect on the Trump re-election campaign, I agree with Tucker Carlson and others that an attempt will be made on President Trump's life. I hope he has some of his own security because I'm not really confident in the same Secret Service that was guarding President Kennedy!

If it doesn't look like They are going to be able to stop President Trump from getting back into the White House, then I believe international events will be accelerated. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea...they all know that America is vulnerable right now, since we're all but leaderless and our military is weakened by political stupidity. Now is Their time, quickly, before President Trump is back to stand in their way.

Get ready, folks.


Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Coffee and Covid Once Again!

 Again, Jeff Childers, at Coffee and Covid hits it out of the park.  His entire daily blog post is interesting but I wanted to post it because of the third section, where he talks about the Biden economy.  It completely confirms my post from yesterday.

Coffee and Covid: Fiery Lessons

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Poor Old Biden again

I've been enjoying a little back and forth with a Team Biden believer today and it prompted me to do a little research. My acquaintance on Facebook was citing a Bloomberg article to prove that Biden has been doing a bang-up job as President and deserves to keep on keeping on. 
Bloomberg Article 

I found some interesting charts at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website.  If you are at all interested in this kind of thing, I recommend browsing the graphs here.

and at

All the graphs at which I looked at the BLS site show a dramatic peak or valley, usually beginning in February of 2020 and peaking in April, 2020. Coincidentally, the CDC reports that the worst of the Covid panic peaked in April of 2020. So, it looks to me as if all the graphs are just not reliable from about February of 2020 'til around December of 2021. Big spikes, peaks and drops during that period across the board.

For instance, unemployment leaped from 3.5% in February of 2020 ( the lowest ever in 16 years) to 14.8% in April, 2020. It then began a freefall and was back to "normal" in December of 2021, at 3.9%. During Team Biden, it got as low as the 3.4% again and is now trending back upwards.

President Trumps numbers were steadily falling when the Covid Panic took over and who knows how low he'd have brought the unemployment rate without the pandemic interference? Team Biden hasn't done any better and is, currently, trending worse again.

An interesting trend in the graph is that when Obama took over in 2009, unemployment was on a steady rise and got up to 10% in October, 2009 and then after that began a continuous descent until Covid. In just looking at the unemployment graph, it seems obvious that something about the Obama era began bringing unemployment down. Trumps efforts continued that.  Covid made a brief spike of insanity and then Biden's people are slowly bringing it back up. Looks like Team Biden is slowly undoing the good work of Obama and Trump?

Then, we go to the Consumer Price Index. Once again, Obama and Trump ran pretty evenly
there, both of them doing better than Bush's team had. Obama had a good price drop early in his reign and there was a drop during the Covid Panic as well.  Anyway, after Team Biden takes over, the CPI goes straight to the roof and stays there. Even after the peak subsides, the CPI is still higher under Team Biden than either Obama or Trump and it's again trending up. All the pricing charts show a huge spike under Team Biden, with a decline recently, followed by a current trend upward. The gasoline chart is REALLY bad as is the Food at Home chart.

So, here's how that's being twisted by Team Biden. Their policies cause a massive spike in prices across the board. Then, when They get closer to election, They manage to get those down. Still not down to Obama/Trump levels but better than the huge spikes we have been seeing. So, They can say that They're bringing inflation under control and prices down. Same concept as raising prices in a store by 20% and then having a 10% off sale.

The Bloomberg article also crows about crime rates coming down. In answer to that, I'll just quote directly from

"In 2022, the violent crime rate fell for the second consecutive year, down to 380.7 per 100,000 people. The property crime rate increased for the first time since 2001, up 6.7% to 1,954.4 per 100,000 people.

For the first time in two decades, larceny-theft crime rates increased (up 7.4%) in 2022.

In 2022, violent crime rates per 100,000 people decreased across all types of crimes, except for robbery."

Beginning in 2021, the property crime rates took a sharp upward turn as did Robbery. Robbery is classed as a "Violent Crime" in the ratings but goes along with the theft statistics.

So, Team Biden has just been riding the continuous downward slope of most crimes, credit for which needs to go to Law Enforcement officials, not Team Biden. Then when Team Biden took over and the Blue prosecutors began decriminalizing property crimes, property crimes began to rise. Who'd a thunk it?

Overall, the Bloomberg article is simply an election year puff piece with the facts twisted to their liking. Biden rode in on a Trump winning streak, F'd it all up really badly and is now saying that fixing the mess They made Themselves constitutes good governance. Sorry. Not.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

I grew up as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Commonly referred to as Mormons. I had very little contact with any other denomination until I was in middle school. I guess I thought the LDS Church was the State Church of Idaho. In my younger world, there really were just Active and Inactive members of THE Church. "Mormons" and "Jack-Mormons".

As I got older and we lived full time in West Yellowstone, the Church was still the center of my social existence but I was also getting more contact with other religions and with people who had no real solid opinion on religion or spirituality. I learned something of other peoples beliefs and how they viewed God, spirituality or the lack of same.

My infatuation with the history and culture of the Mountain Men influenced me to study the beliefs and customs of the American Indians. I had good friends who were atheists, Baptists, Lutherans and many other "protestant" religions. We also had a pretty significant Catholic population in West Yellowstone. In my deliberate contact and investigation of all these (slightly) different sects, I learned of their teachings about Heaven, Hell, the Godhead, Grace, prophecy and the scriptures.

At the same time, I studied the New Testament as well as the restored gospel of the Book of Mormon and the revelations given to men whom I believed had been, were and are current living Prophets of God. I regret to say that I have only a passing familiarity with the Old Testament. In the last few years, I've taken the time to read some of the Koran and try to get a grasp on the Muslim beliefs.

When I came home from the U.S. Air Force and began building a real family, got married and settled down,  I again began looking into religion. I thought a lot about what I had learned over a relatively active and diverse life. I said all this to give some background to my conclusions.

I found that the differences between Catholicism and all the Protestant religions were minor. These religions all seem to believe the same things but have focused on one or two items of doctrine that they find significant enough to pull away from other sects. And I found most of the doctrines taught to be over-complicated and somewhat hard to understand. George Carlin really expressed the overwhelming teachings that I found: "Well, it's a mystery".  

At the same time, the principles of the Gospel that I had learned as a child still seemed to be the most logical, uncomplicated and easy to understand. I compared that to the natural world around me. The world God built for us is, essentially, logical and easy to understand. It's not hard for modern science to explain how nature works. Why then would God make our spirituality and eternal progression any more complicated? He didn't. I logically concluded that the Book of Mormon and the resulting restored Church were true, long before I spiritually learned that it IS true. I no longer travel strictly on faith. I have received spiritual confirmation of the divinity of the Book of Mormon and the truth of the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I'll say it another way. I don't just BELIEVE these things to be true. I KNOW them to be true!

First, let me provide the basics of the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (The Church), as enumerated by Joseph Smith in 1842. We call these the Articles of Faith:

"1 We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

2 We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.

3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience
to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord
Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth,
Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy and by the laying on of hands by
those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.

6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles,
prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.

7 We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.

8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the
Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet
reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

10 We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.

11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own
conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

13 We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men;
indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."

So, in answer to anyone who questions, The Church IS a Christian church. I mean, let's use some common sense here. What is the NAME? The Church of...Jesus Christ...of Latter Day Saints. How much more clear can that be?

So, what Is the Book of Mormon?

"The Book of Mormon contains sacred writings from followers of Jesus. Just like God spoke to Moses and Noah in the Bible, He also spoke to people in the Americas. These men, called prophets, wrote down God’s word. Their writings were eventually gathered into one book by a prophet named Mormon."

"God’s people have always been taught by living prophets. Like us today, the women and men of those times struggled with temptation, searched for wisdom, and led happier lives when they followed the teachings of Jesus Christ. We can recognize ourselves in their stories; inspired and inspiring spiritual records. The Book of Mormon is evidence that God loves all His children and is involved in their lives. It serves as a witness to the truths in the Bible and to the divinity and teachings of Jesus Christ."

It's not hard to find evidence of the good fruits of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Just get to know a few members. Attend a Sacrament Meeting. Talk with a couple of the Missionaries. No commitment is required. You are welcome in the Church.

Read the Book of Mormon. If you are really trying to learn of the truth, there is a simple method. Read the book and pray about it. Here's the pertinent scripture, from the Book of Mormon:

Moroni 10: 4. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

I'll tell you now some of the things I know to be true;

God lives. Jesus Christ lives and is the true Son of God. He came to this earth to show and teach us how to live and, most importantly, He came to atone for the sins of all men who will believe in Him and follow His commandments.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church of Jesus Christ on the earth today. Christs Church had fallen away and was not present until, through the direction of Jesus Christ, it was restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith and has continued to this day since 1830.

I tell you these things in the sacred name of our Savior, Jesus Christ; amen

Official Church Website

Meet with Missionaries

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Coffee and Covid: Cancer under 50!

This is an excerpt from the daily emailI highly recommend a subscription to coffeeandcovidAnyway, here goes...

"On Sunday, I dissected the UK Telegraph’s “epidemic of young cancer” story , explaining exactly how the media twists the cancer narrative and the facts to protect the jabs. Yesterday, the Daily Mail UK ran a similar story headlined, “Alarm over mystery cancer 'epidemic' striking under-50s like Kate Middleton as scientists scramble to find cause of startling increase.” 

To its credit, the Daily Mail almost seemed like a kidnapping victim, desperately trying to smuggle out a secret message: help me! Right from the top of the story, it included this remarkable bit of reporting:

Scientists are scrambling to find the cause of a mystery cancer 'epidemic' which is striking under-50s. Despite years of research, researchers are baffled as to what is behind the problem.

But, in the wake of the Princess of Wales' news, one surgeon claimed a yet-to-be discovered factor could be to blame. Professor Andrew Beggs, a consultant colorectal surgeon and a senior clinical fellow at the University of Birmingham, said: 'There might be an unknown environmental factor that we haven’t discovered, despite extensive research.'

An unknown environmental factor! What could it be?? Does it come in a needle? Obviously the Mail immediately dropped that line of inquiry and lost all interest in speculating what kind of environmental factor might be involved. But they put it out there as a limited hangout.

Maybe the Mail’s handy infographic map could give us a clue. It shows western countries plus Russia and China with the highest rates of under-50 cancer:

Poor Australia! That benighted continent is now the young-cancer epicenter. What could have happened there, out in the desert, so far away from everyone? What common “environmental” factor could possibly tie Australia to Europe and the U.S., which are both drafting right behind the Down Under? Hmm?

Like the Telegraph, the Mail’s article fogged the cancer story with the same batch of distracting nonsense. For example, it named a bunch of early-onset cancer victims, but they were red herrings. For example, the Mail rounded up a small batch of celebrity cancers to demonstrate the trend.

But the Mail’s four sample cancers occurred over a twenty-year period — all before the jabs, and some a quarter-century ago: Black Panther’s Chadwick Boseman (died of colon cancer in 2020, aged 43); Modern Family’s Sophia Vergara (thyroid cancer in 2000, aged 28); A-lister Ewan McGregor (skin cancer —two moles!— removed in 2008), and Australia’s top singer Kylie Minogue (breast cancer back in 2005, aged 36).

A twenty-five year span? Come on. I could round up four celebrities with turbo cancer just over the last four months. And if you give me the last three years, I could easily beat four times that many.

And I won’t even include celebrities who just had a couple moles removed.

Anyway, the Daily Mail also rounded up some cancer doctors, so you can add them to the ones quoted for the Telegraph. For example:

Oncologist Dr Shivan Sivakumar, from the University of Birmingham, said: 'There is an epidemic currently of young people (under 50) getting cancer. Nobody knows the cause, but we are seeing more patients getting abdominal cancers.'

Professor Karol Sikora, a world-renowned oncologist with over 40 years' experience, said experts had 'no idea' what was causing a 'frightening' surge in cases of pancreatic cancer, especially among young women.

UK data shows women in their early 40s, like Kate, are twice as likely (2.1 times), to get cancer than a man of the same age. Cancers of the breast, prostate, lung and bowel make-up the overwhelming majority of all new cancer diagnoses, accounting for around half of the total.

Finally, the article cited the same irrelevant study that popped up in the Telegraph’s article. At least the Mail linked the study. As we noted before, that study shows an increase in young cancer rates over a thirty year period between 1990 and, conveniently, 2019. Misleadingly, the Mail printed not one single word about cancer rates during the last three years, allowing readers to falsely conclude they are looking at just one long, uninterrupted trend.

Baffling! A baffling environmental factor.

Kate Middleton’s tragic cancer story — we must never forget the Royal Family initially insisted it was definitely not cancer — her tragic cancer story has conveniently opened a box of permission for media to talk about the epidemic of turbo cancers in young people. The stories are rolling out now, all following the identical repulsive narrative formula.

It looks like a well-organized, coordinated limited hangout, reprehensibly using Kate Middleton’s cancer diagnosis as a pretext.

The recent ‘cancer epidemic’ stories are so similar it is tempting to think they all came from the same desk. But that would just be kooky conspiracy talk. It is merely a coincidence that all these different media platforms wrote their ‘cancer epidemic’ stories the same way, using the same language of baffling epidemics, citing the same irrelevant study, and exhibiting the same moribund lack of curiosity about the “environmental cause.”

Shut up! Science!"

Monday, March 18, 2024

How I'm Doing...Really

I deliberately haven't been posting stuff like this very often. There's a FB page for guys like me where we can post this kind of thing and not be self conscious about it. But my friends often ask me how I'm doing. I say: "I'm getting by, day by day." Here's the truth.

27 years together. In all that time, there were very few days that we didn't talk.

When I was on the road, for music shows or pool tournaments or whatever, Joann was here, working on the ranch and working at her job in town. When I stayed in West Yellowstone all summer, working at the guest ranch there or doing gigs around the area, Joann was here, taking care of my house, picking the raspberries and taking care of my cats.

At a roundup camp in Nevada, I had to hike over a half mile up a ridge to find phone service so we only talked three or four times a week that month. At the first hunting camp I cooked for, we were there in pickups so when I got into trouble with whatever I was trying to cook, I'd get in my truck and drive the 12 miles to where the phone would work and she'd talk me through my issue. Same kind of thing when I was cooking at Parade Rest Ranch in West Yellowstone. One time, she talked me, step by step, through making a french silk pie.

When I was cooking for a hunting camp a four hour horseback ride into the mountains, there just

wasn't phone contact. So, during the day, when I thought of something I'd like to tell her, I'd write it down. When the outfitter had to go to town for something, I'd give him my notes to Joann. He teased me about his having to deliver my "love letters".

Now, my phone rarely rings. She's not there to talk with. I've always been a loner type. I liked being by myself, camping, hiking, driving...I liked those long trips by myself. But Joann was here. Just a phone call away.

When my transmission quit in Boise, Idaho and I was trying to figure out how to even get home, let alone make all the shows I had lined up, she just said: "You can't cancel that tour" and paid for a new transmission for me.

The other day, I was driving into Helena for something and noticed that my right hand was hanging across the console. But there was no knee to put my hand on. No other hand to hold mine.

It's been 131 days now since she gasped out her last breath, in our bed in my house. The same bed I try to sleep in today. The couch is empty where she used to sit. The passenger side of my car is an echoing silent empty space. So is my life and I don't foresee it being any better any time soon.

For me, life is now a long cold empty frozen trail on which I just have to keep on walking.

I'm going to a cowboy poetry gathering in Rexburg, Idaho next month, about a three hour drive. I'm kind of anxious about being that far away from my "safe space". But, I'm going. I haven't seen my performer friends for over two years now, since she had her stroke, and I want to...but I don't want to. I'll sing songs and perform poetry. I'll be in jam sessions, probably laugh and talk with friends. But, with all those people around me, I'll be alone. I used to call her from these things and she could listen to the jam sessions or I'd pass the phone around and she'd talk with our friends. Now, I'm alone.

Just taking one step at a time, forward across the frozen wasteland. Maybe, if I just keep on going, it'll get a little better. The only thing that keeps my feet moving is the sure certainty that, on the other side, she waits for me in the sunshine and gentle breezes of the mountains where we belong. Maybe we can ride again, her on Poppy and me on Opie. We'll ride side by side, holding hands, like we used to.
"I imagine
There aren't any fences in heaven
It's all just open range
Where cowboys and cowgirls can long trot that young colt
Without having to open a gate
No broken wires to splice
And no overtightend gates to fight
It doesn't matter where the cattle graze
Water holes and creeks never dry up
And good hands can ride all day
Without having to get out of the saddle
I imagine
There aren't any fences in heaven
Nor blizzards, droughts, or hailstorms
No freezing temperatures or skyrocketing heat, no markets to dread or notes to pay
Just blue skies, wildflowers, and a few drizzly days
I imagine
You up there, tending to God's cattle
Riding your favorite horse, Poppy
Enjoying the peace and the beauty
Far beyond what I can dream of
You've reached the promised land, cowgirl
We'll keep the fences
Mended down here"

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Prepper Radio Opinion


Ok, I want to address the constant admonition to get an Amateur Radio license if you want to use effective radio communications.  I've seen it mentioned on Facebook groups many times and the apparent reasoning is that, if you want longer distance communication via radio, you must use ham radio frequencies.  

First, I will add my voice to the proponents of ham Radio licenses but for slightly different reasons, as Ham Radio did NOT meet my radio communications goals.  The best reason for an Amateur license is to be able to practice and learn about how radios really work.

Here's the thing.  I envisioned being able to use ham radios to communicate with friends and family if the telephone, both cell and landline, system fails, which we all know is likely at some point.  How do I check on my family in other cities and states?  How do I keep in close contact with my local support system?  Even keeping in contact with friends and family in neighboring communities.  How about being able to keep in touch with home when I am off hunting and gathering?  Also, being able to make contact with people in other regions to learn their news and situation.  I figured that I'd have my Ham license and could go to certain frequencies where everyone listened, as with CB channel 19, and could listen in, make contacts if I wanted to and we all would know where to listen.

Those were my basic goals and expectations.  Ham radio, in general, doesn't cut it.  Actually, absent using a repeater or the internet, no radio system does.

So, what do we get with our Amateur License?  

Well, we can use the 2meter band,  144 MHz to 148 MHz, at a maximum of 1500 watts.  That's a very good thing.  There is a frequency on 2m; 146.52Mhz, that is designated as a "call" frequency.  Kind of like CB channel 19.  Most 2m radios transmit at a maximum of 50 watts, some much less.  You can add an amplifier to the system if you want the full 1500 watts.  Using 2m radios, each at 50w, car to car, you can expect probably 20-30 miles, line of sight, no repeater.  This is called "Simplex".  Simplex comms using 2m on a Handie talkie (HT) radio will be between 2 and 5 miles.  The good news is that there is almost always a repeater available, if you know the frequencies and codes for it.  ( Depending on the repeater location and the local terrain, you might be able to get 100 miles or so with your little hand held (HT) 2m radio.  2m, in my opinion, is the most useful Ham Radio band available for SHTF situations and local comms.  For long distance comms, I don't have much more faith in the repeater systems staying up than the cell towers.  Absent available repeaters, you have just simplex distances.

I often travel on US 287, from Townsend, MT to West Yellowstone, MT.  Cell phone signals are good until I cross I90, ok from there to Ennis and unreliable from Ennis to West.  But, I'm within easy reach of a 2m repeater on the entire trip, except for about a mile of canyon along the Madison River.  If I run into trouble; and I have, and the phone doesn't work, I can probably talk with SOMEbody.  I came on an accident in a phone dead zone.  I called out on my radio, got somebody in Salt Lake City who called the local Sheriff for me and sent help.  Without my radio, those folks would have been in a lot more trouble than they were.

Without repeaters, though, 2m is only line of sight...out to maybe 30 miles with a good radio system.

Now, if you don't want to have to pass a knowledge test in order to license, Uncle Sam has just the thing for you.  You can get a "family" license; good for you and your immediate family, for GMRS radio, with a maximum transmit power of 50watts.  No testing required, just bring your checkbook.  I think it's still only $85 for a family license.  Here's a surprise for many of you.  Those hand held radios you bought a Walmart?  The ones in the blister pack that have 22 channels?  If you read the fine print on the packaging, you'll find that you are supposed to get your GMRS license before using them!  You have to use the GMRS channels, which are in the UHF spectrum, 462-468 Mhz.  GMRS does have repeaters but they aren't as prolific as 2m repeaters and you must have your license to use them.  Also, you need radios that CAN be programmed for repeater use and you didn't get that in a blister pack from Amazon.  The range for those blister pack HTs is usually about 2-3 miles, line of sight.  If you are licensed and have 50 watt radios, you can get about the same simplex performance as 2m.

(UPDATE 2-22-24:  As long as you are using the blister pack radios, you should be ok without the GMRS license.  FRS and GMRS frequencies are the same but the transmit power is different.  FRS has a maximum of 2.5 watts while GMRS is 5 watts and up.  Those blister pack radios are transmitting at 2.5W so you are within the FRS guidelines.)

So, what about this "around the world" radio that we keep hearing about?  Ok.  That is in the

High Frequency (HF) radio spectrum, from 3 to 30 Mhz and primarily involves a thing called "propagation".  Propagation is where your radio transmission "bounces" off the ionosphere and returns to earth...somewhere.  What CBers call "skip".  But (and here's the fun part) each group of frequencies has different propagation properties and these groups are divided up into "bands", designated by the length of the actual radio wave.  This is where it all becomes somewhat complicated and part of why there is a knowledge test in order to get a license and my purpose here is not to instruct you in all that.  Get

a book.  Do some study.  Pass the test and get your license.  I'm not trying to be a prima donna here, I just don't want to WRITE that book, since much smarter people already have.

In regards to more local communication, HF radios are similar in performance to a CB.  It's line of sight, except for some limited bands.  I find that HF essentially does NOT meet my goals and expectations, as enumerated earlier.    

 If you get a General license or above, you can use the  (HF) bands and "they" make you think

that will give you worldwide comms.  IF you spend a couple of thousand on a radio and another thousand on an antenna, then get that antenna mounted more than 35 feet in the air, then you will get worldwide contacts...sometimes...or maybe not.  Oh, and one antenna doesn't really work well on all those frequencies.  That's why you spend an exorbitant amount for an antenna, because, with a tuner (sometimes an added expense), one antenna will work well for one band, ok on a couple more and not at all for others.  Get a SECOND antenna and switch between the two! 

Then, what frequency do you call out on?  Just pick one and call, hoping that someone will happen to scroll past that freq at the same time you are calling and hear you.  Out of hundreds of possible frequencies!

Outside of the normal line of sight communication, you can't really target any particular area far away.  For instance, if you have a friend 100 miles away, there is no guarantee that you will be able to talk with them, no matter how much of a system you have.  If the "conditions" aren't right; forget it.  But, at the same time that you are fruitlessly trying to contact your friend 100 miles away, you may be able to talk with someone 2000 miles away.  That's the way propagation works.

Just because you can hear someone, doesn't mean they can hear you.  Usually, yes, but, the ionosphere may be bouncing their signal to you and sending your signal over them or around them or just not TO them.

I will admit that being able to play with these radios and antennas has taught me how to get around some of these limitations.  for instance, I am in Montana.  My friend lives in Helena and I live in Townsend, about 35 miles away.  But there are hills between us.  I can use a repeater on 2m with no problem.  But, if the repeaters aren't working?  How about HF?  Here's where the

learning curve comes in.  Lower frequencies, such as the 75 meter band at 3.8MHZ-4Mhz, with an antenna, mounted LOWER in height than my "worldwide" system, I can probably (note:  PROBABLY) talk with him using what is called "ground wave" or "surface wave", where the signal actually travels close to the ground instead of going out into the ionosphere.  Another aspect of the lower antenna and lower frequency is that it will bounce off the ground and go nearly vertically into the air, coming back down close by..."Near Vertical Incidence Sky Wave".  NVIS really isn't that great for the short distance between Helena and Townsend, though.  It's more likely to work if I want to talk with Bozeman or Missoula.  I don't know anybody in Bozeman or Missoula.

Time of day matters.  Higher frequencies work better in the daytime and then the lower frequencies at night.  10 Meter, one of the best for really long distance comms, works in the daytime and works best in the summer.  But, for local comms, it's line of sight.  Your 1500 watt amplifier (another $1000, at least) will help but will only work well if you are on an antenna tuned for the frequency you are using.  If your antenna isn't tuned properly, the add on tuner will automatically reduce the amount of power going out in order to safeguard the radio and antenna.

Bottom line.  Absent a repeater system, I have found no reliable radio comms for outside line of sight.  It's a "good luck" system at best.  the same applies for trying to get someone with whom to talk.  Once again, good luck to you in finding a frequency that someone else might be listening to.

Now, my own practical scenario.  My girlfriend lived on a ranch, about 14 road miles and

probably ten crow flight miles from my house in Townsend, up on a mountain and the house down in a canyon.  Back in the 70s and 80s, they used CBs up there extensively, between the house and tractors, combines, pickups and so on.  CB comms worked very well for them.  Cell phones still won't work at the main house as it's in a canyon.  They work ok up above the main house, so we can call the landline phone from our cells so the radio comms have been abandoned over the years.  

Joann and I experimented with radio comms for a while.  We tried blister pack GMRS Handhelds but they just couldn't get out of the canyon and give the same reliability that CBs used to.  However, they are a lot easier to carry on horseback than CB walkie talkies and actually provide more clear and reliable signals than CB walkie talkies.  If we were working cows on horseback, we'd carry those and they worked ok.   But, I can talk with the main house CB base or Joann's car radio from my CB base in town.  We can talk car to car almost everywhere on the ranch with CBs and usually we could at least understand each other using car to car from town to the main house.  

Here in the valley, we got good comms for about 10 miles with my CB base to her car.  15+ if we used Single Side Band (SSB).  GMRS hand helds, even using an external antenna at the house, we could only get about 6 miles.  The CB walkie talkies gave us about two or three miles from the house and they really eat batteries.

2m simplex (no repeater) we had good comms car to car almost anywhere we wanted to go, within about 20 miles.  2m handhelds were a little better than the GMRS, mostly because I have better antennas and my HTs are about 8 watts.  Still, 4-6 miles.  In the mountains, a little less.  But for car to car on a trip, my little Baofeng HTs gave us acceptable comms; like when we took two cars to West Yellowstone and Joann's car didn't have a CB.  CBs in the cars would actually have been better, I think, but the HTs worked for us.

Other than close in comms, I can't recommend the "blister pack" FRS/GMRS radios that are sold in sporting good stores or Walmart.  They are ok to keep track of your kids at the park or for hunters to keep in contact, probably, but not for more robust applications.  However, if you are in a situation where you need a handheld radio, at reasonable cost and short distances they are a good way to go.

If you are at all comfortable with programming the Baofeng handhelds (and not overly worried about strict FCC compliance) then they are really the best option for line of sight handheld use, such as on horseback or on foot in the mountains.  Disclaimer: programming and then transmitting on Baofeng or similar radios with frequencies outside their FCC rating is illegal!!!  But, they will work on the same frequencies as those blister pack radios and are a little more powerful, have better antennas available and are reasonably priced.

Long story short...I know.  Too Amateur radio license gives you the option of 2m radios, including 50 watt car radios and 8 watt hand helds, which will give you effective local comms.  2m car radios aren't much more expensive than a CB and installation is the same.  There are inexpensive HTs available for 2m programming.  There is very likely a 2m repeater available that covers your area which will give you even better distance.

If you are looking for the same power and reliability for your family comms, a GMRS license is inexpensive, with no testing involved and the radios are basically the same as 2m radios.  They will legally work with the blister pack hand helds.

If you want to bypass licensing and need radios primarily for local comms , CBs are still a viable and useful option.  Incidentally, the CB radio band, 11meter, is an extremely good propagation band.  Get CBs with SSB capability.  You'll get better performance locally on SSB and you can use them to reach far off stations, just as you would with Ham radio HF frequencies.  In May of 2018, the FCC removed the restrictions on the distance you could talk on CBs.  Since thousands of people have been doing "DX" (distance) "skip" talking since CBs came out, it was about time.  You are still legally limited to 4watts AM and 12watts SSB but that is all you need for local comms and "skip" will still often work.  You'll have better skip or "propagation" on SSB though so spring a few extra $ for a CB radio with SSB capability.  You'll also be able to listen to what's going on around the country by just monitoring those other guys skip conversations.

Basically, for local comms, between family and friends, I still lean towards CBs.  Even good quality SSB CBs with good antennas will be less than $400 per vehicle.  Installation is easy and line of sight with them seems to be clear and with reasonable distance, with the added utility of listening and even talking all over the country and no licensing issues.

A more overall local, family and friends option is still the Ham Radio license and  2m system, both car radios and HTs or, skip the testing and just shell out your fee for a GMRS license.  The more powerful radios are no more expensive than 2m car radios and the HTs are much less expensive, unless you actually go for the more powerful GMRS licensed HTs.  

HF radio is fun, interesting and a great learning tool.  It also is the best way to monitor what's going on in the rest of the world, by simply scrolling through the frequencies and listening in on all the conversations.  That's what you will want to do in a grid-down situation anyway.  Excessive transmitting can lead bad guys right to you.  The HF radio you get will most likely also receive many military and aircraft frequencies so you can listen to those as well.

So, although CB radios very well might be all you and your family/group needs, getting a Ham license and investing in some radios and antennas is definitely worth the effort.  Just don't expect communication miracles.