Wednesday, December 29, 2021

What this blog was about and what it has become

Browse this blog, including the older pages, especially those from years ago. Look around and, hopefully, you will find entertainment. It wasn't always a Covid. politics and current events page.

I originally set up my blog page to do what most seem to with their blogs.

First, I planned to be a central resource for Western Music and Cowboy Poetry; venues, material, news and so on. Hence, the name of the Blog.

Then, I wanted to chronicle my music and pool tournament travels for my friends and family. It gave me a place to post pictures and information where everyone could see it, if they were interested.

Consequently, the early blog posts are mostly just that. I had posts about my travels with guitar and pool cue, posts about other performers and some of their material. Even did enough reporting of venues and events that I was invited to do so at the National Cowboy Poetry Festival in Elko, NV.

I would fail to keep it up to date, though, because I just wasn't doing enough in my life to keep making frequent entries. I'd start up again and then let it go stagnant for a while.

I started working on some cooking articles and that seemed interesting for a while.

Interspersed with mostly personal stuff, I would occasionally post something political, mostly during campaign seasons. A personal blog gives me a good platform for more comprehensive and detailed writing on subjects which catch my interest and about which I'm passionate.

Then, things in our country seemed to be taking a turn for the worst. The situation at Bundy Ranch prompted me to do some writing and then Ammon followed that up with the Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupation and the Oregon State Police murder of Lavoy Finicum.

Riots, vandalism and lawlessness in our cities became big news nationally and I posted my own observations and opinions.

Then...Along Came Covid. The Mis-information, censorship and outright lies were and are so obvious to a person with ANY common sense that I just couldn't sit quietly and fume. I HAD to get my frustrations out "on paper". I didn't believe what I was being told by the Mainstream Media, our government and our medical "leadership" so I started spending far too much time on the internet, looking for articles and information about what I was being told.

For the last couple of years, most of my articles focus on the Covid lies and conspiracies. Interspersed, of course, with the stolen election, Epstein Didn't Kill Himself, wokeness and once in a while, even some forays into scriptures and Biblical prophecies.
 Satan Isn't Hiding Anymore

That "cowboyentertainer" name no longer really describes what people will read here but it's too late to change now. I live with it.

I have only a forlorn hope that someone who disagrees with me might somehow change their opinion and come over to "my side" but I DO have hope that someone on the fence might read this stuff and begin to see a glimmer of logic and common sense flickering through.

That was why I decided to put together the resource page for those looking for vaccine and Covid treatment information. You know; the stuff that you aren't supposed to know about! I actually designed it so that I could get some of the condescending Doctors with whom I have contact to read it. In that case, if I were to get one Doctor to say "Hmmmm" and start looking into this stuff themselves, I might actually have saved a life out there.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Which Road to Travel?

I often wonder "what if?" My dream was to be a Deputy with the Gallatin County, Montana, Sheriff's Office. I always figured I'd get on there and then replace Bob Pearson as the resident in West Yellowstone. The Air Force was my route and it worked very well, other than I first went to Meagher County, Montana and never moved on to Gallatin. Instead, I wound up in Douglas County, Oregon where I was the resident Deputy in a small mountain town. Pretty much the same thing I'd have had with Gallatin and West Yellowstone.

But, I look back now and remember/realize that I had three main roads to take in Law Enforcement. Just stay where I was as Air Force Security Police, move into some Federal L.E. agency such as Border Patrol, U.S. Marshals or some such or take my discharge and go home and get on a local department somewhere. I chose door #3.

Air Force L.E. was no different than most small to medium sized P.D.s and I'd have done my 20+

years doing the same traffic, family disturbances, crimes and investigations with them as anyone does in most Police Departments. With the added "benefit" of often doing more military type training and exercise. It would have been fun with ok pay and great benefits. Advancement and other opportunities would abound. But; I still had my dream of a brown uniform and a star.

Civilian Sheriff's Departments still provided me with the training and experiences I wanted along with plenty of action and excitement and I got to stay in the U.S. and not have to live in some city somewhere. Rural Montana and then Rural Oregon really was where I was happiest, I think.

Surprisingly enough, I didn't know everything at 22 years old! I thought I did, but, oh well. When I was ready to discharge from the Air Force, I knew very little about the U.S. Marshals Service and I think, if I knew what I do now, I might have taken that road instead.

U.S. Marshals

In truth, I was really in L.E. for the adventure and excitement as much as anything else. Back then, I figured 6 of one half dozen of the other for "action". But I later learned that for action and excitement, the Marshals win hands down. Later in life, after I had learned more about them, I applied and was accepted. But by the time the Marshals called me, I had a really good position as a Deputy Sheriff in a beautiful area of Oregon and the Marshals offer included my choice of five cities; Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit, Memphis or San Diego; probably for the first three to five years before I'd have enough seniority to transfer. Yuch! No. I stayed in Oregon. So I'm one of a very few L.E. veterans who can admit to turning down a job with the U.S. Marshals!

Now, I sit in my rusty old trailer house and as I listen to the Montana winter wind blowing by, I dream of what might have been. The choices I made were right for me at that time. It would be interesting to have a chance to try the different roads but we only get this one shot and it worked out ok overall.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Satan Isn't Hiding Anymore

For many years now, I have been a Conspiracy Theorist Nutcase. I never hoarded gold because I always figured, I can't Eat gold; but I have always kept as much emergency food and other supplies as I could afford. Partly because the Church has advocated such preparedness since the mid 1800's and partly because it just makes good sense.

In the back of my mind has always been the possibility of war here in the U.S. or major disasters. I've always lived in earthquake country and being without power or a way to get to the grocery store is always likely here, especially during our legendary winters.

The couple of times in my adult life when I was out of steady work, we had our food storage to fall back on and things went pretty well.

The fear of being alive during the world's "End Times" might have entered my head a time or two but I've never been so cognizant of those kinds of prophecies as I am today, as we watch the scriptures being played out in front of us on a daily basis.

Think. If you were a simple fisherman in Biblical times and you saw this in a vision...

How would you describe it? How would you explain the warning that accompanied a vision such as this? If you were told of organizations or groups designed to dictate world events? Things such as military intervention in a nation's affairs or censoring and controlling information about life saving medications and medical procedures? How would a simple man in the first century explain what he was told about the events of our day? Hmm? Might his warnings be somewhat hard to understand, since he probably wouldn't really understand all that he'd been told?

Revelations, 13:
"2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations."

So, at the U.N. (exerting power over "all kindreds, and tongues, and nations") we now have this statue, displayed on the Visitor's Plaza outside #UN Headquarters.

How would that same fisherman explain Vaccine Passports? Tattoos or RFID chips?

Revelation 13:16-17:
"16. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Matthew; Chapter 24:

Book of Revelation: 

2 Timothy 3:1-7: "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."

Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

And the American continent, more specifically the United States of America, is a special place. We all know this. Our natural resources, our ability to produce food and energy; these things are unmatched in the rest of the world. But, with great gifts come great responsibility.

The United States of America was Divinely appointed. Our Founding Fathers were choice Spirits who were on the earth, at that time, for the purpose of creating our country.

Ether 2:12: "Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written."

But, who am I, to shout warnings? Just someone with computer and internet expertise, who can read well and comprehend what I've read. But, don't listen to me. Read the scriptures for yourselves and look around you as those scriptures come true. Read and listen to the words of Prophets of God.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints President Ezra Taft Benson
General Conference of The Church
October, 1987

This prophecy was spoken at a Fourth of July celebration in 1854 in the Salt Lake Tabernacle by Brigham Young, who attributes it to Joseph Smith: “Will the Constitution be destroyed? No: it will be held inviolate by this people; and, as Joseph Smith said, ‘The time will come when the destiny of the nation will hang upon a single thread. At that critical juncture, this people will step forth and save it from the threatened destruction.’ It will be so."

Conference Report, Charles W. Nibley, October, 1923:
"Brethren and sisters, let me say in closing that we have it of record, that the prophet Joseph Smith said the time would come when, through secret organizations taking the law into their own hands, not being governed by law or by due process of law, but becoming a law unto themselves, when, by those disintegrating activities, the Constitution of the United States would be so torn and rent asunder, and life and property and peace and security would be held of so little value, that the Constitution would, as it were, hang by a thread."

Conference Report; Ezra Taft Benson, April, 1978:
"Yes, there is a conspiracy of evil. The source of it all is Satan and his hosts. He has a great power over men to “lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken” to the voice of the Lord. (Moses 4:4.) His evil influence may be manifest through governments; through false educational, political, economic, religious, and social philosophies; through secret societies and organizations; and through myriads of other forms. His power and influence are so great that, if possible, he would deceive the very elect. As the second coming of the Lord approaches, Satan’s work will intensify through numerous insidious deceptions."

Conference Report; Ezra Taft Benson, April, 1989:
"Pride results in secret combinations which are built up to get power, gain, and glory of the world (see Helaman 7:5; Ether 8:9, 16, 22-23; Moses 5:31). This fruit of the sin of pride, namely secret combinations, brought down both the Jaredite and the Nephite civilizations and has been and will yet be the cause of the fall of many nations (see Ether 8:18-25)."

As we watch events playing our before us, we should be standing together to protect our country from Satan himself.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Shadow and Ghost: The Orphans

One day in June or July, 2019, Squeak, Moose and Emma were outside playing and we heard a big cat-commotion. When we investigated, we found that Squeak had treed a little black kitten, slightly younger than Moose and Emma. We made Squeak leave it alone and it quickly came down from the tree and ran away.

After that, we saw the little black kitten once in a while and, eventually, a Siamese marked kitten about the same age. Later, we figured out that they were living under the old house, which I use as a shed, on the back of the lot . Two kittens, trying to make it on their own.

Joann was working at the Mint every night and she got in the habit of bringing some food home every night for the orphans. At first, she'd throw it to them and they'd sneak up and grab a piece then run away to eat it, coming back until it was all gone. Joann named the black one Shadow and the Siamese we named Ghost.

When I came home for a few days, I was watching as she got them to come near her and take the food from the dish. They still wouldn't let her get too close and they definitely didn't think much of me!

As time went on, they mellowed a little and she began feeding them on the porch, then putting the dish inside the door of the house. Finally, she had them coming in to eat and even shut them in a time or two without serious damage. Once we had them confined in the house whenever we wanted, we figured we'd catch them and take them to the Humane Society for neutering/spaying. Ghost is male, Shadow is female.

The day of their appointment, we got them into the house. Ghost wasn't too hard to catch and get into the carrier but Shadow...Wow! Joann was in my old fatigue jacket and leather gloves. She and Shadow pretty much tore up my kitchen and Jo was bleeding, even with the gloves on. But, we got Shadow into the carrier and off to Helena I went. The people at the Animal Shelter told me they had a similar rodeo with Shadow when she came out of the carrier but the two got "fixed" and I brought them home.

It wasn't long before they were staying in the house for the night and had kind of moved in. We

were looking to rehome them but they were so attached to each other that we didn't want to separate them and we couldn't find anyone who wanted TWO kittens so; well, we wound up keeping them.

Since Stripe was till alive, we had six cats in the house! This was a lot more than I had planned on but I got pretty attached to all of them. Except, at the time, Shadow. She was much like her name. Visible, maybe, but hard to catch. She didn't come close, lived under my bed most of the time and only came out and was visible at breakfast time and then went outside with the rest. She came in fine but didn't want to be held. Joann could pet her once in a while but I had to catch her in order to hold her and pet her. We figured something bad must have happened to them and more so to Shadow

Ghost was easier to get ahold of and was actually turning into a pretty friendly cat. The two were inseparable. Sleeping together, playing together and basically attached at the hip. They'd have been miserable if we'd given them away separately and I'm glad we chose not to.

Now, they are about the best behaved cats in the herd. Never see them on the counters or the table, they don't make much noise and you don't see them trying to steal or beg food. Ghost can be picked up any time and he'll put up with any amount of attention. Shadow is still a little flighty sometimes but she'll come lay down on my lap and sleep once in a while. She has a purr that you can hear clear across the house.

Shadow and Emma are kind of in competition a lot, especially for my attention. Emma will be under the covers on the bed, purring, and Shadow will deliberately walk on the blanket and thus on Emma. No way she doesn't know Emma's under there! Shadow will come in to the bed at night and beg for attention but she doesn't just lay down. She's constantly moving around so I have to wake up and be attentive!

Ghost and Shadow both treat Joann differently than they treat me. They'll walk at her feet, basically in the way, tails waving and criscrossing in front of her. Ghost especially but Shadow also will get on Joann's lap to rub their heads against her chin and pretty much drive her crazy with "love". They like me ok but they demonstrate a huge attachment to Joann. They obviously know who saved them!

When I talk about our cat herd being Angels, sent here to help us, I know that Ghost and Shadow are here especially for Joann. The Royal Family seems to gravitate towards me but The Orphans are definitely Joann's Angels.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Prepper Radio 3-3-3 Plan and Frequencies

During a disaster situation, whether SHTF, TEOTWAWKI (Look 'em up. you want me to do everything?) or just your run of the mill hurricane, tornado, earthquake or EMP (There's another one! Do some research!) your cell phones will be good cameras, as long as you have a way to charge them. You landline phones, if you still have one, will be out.

How do you keep in contact with your family and/or your local support group? How do you find out what is going on around you or even nation/world wide?

I have a previous post that will help a little as should this one.  Good luck.

As for general Prepping, all the things I wanted to write here and more I found at and share the link with you here.  I suggest that you read this page and follow their advice.  I also suggest that you do these things as quickly as you can afford.  If you haven't started yet, you're running a Long way behind!

Monday, December 06, 2021

"Quarantined in Australia" Howard Springs Centre

Updated: 12-4-2022:  Apparently, this facility is not longer being used.  According to this news article, however, over 64,000 otherwise free people were confined here in an otherwise "free country"

I posted some of my "Conspiracy Theories" on this blog several months ago and then reposted just a little over a month ago.

I know that many who read my warnings think I'm a nut and that these kinds of things can't happen. Well, cue up Australia for consideration.

I'll bet you thought Australia was a free country, huh? Guess again. Quarantine Camps, Concentration Camps, Internment Camps, Re-Education Camps...whatever you want to call them, if this doesn't scare you then you are an idiot. I can't think of any other way to put it.

International travelers or other people Australia thinks need to "quarantine" because of this Virus Hysteria get to go to a "camp" near Darwin or Alice Springs.

"Quarantine facilities

There are two mandatory supervised quarantine facilities in the Northern Territory;

Centre for National Resilience in Howard Springs, Darwin

Alice Springs Quarantine Facility, Alice Springs

You are required to quarantine at the facility closest to your entry into the Northern Territory unless otherwise directed by the Chief Health Officer or their delegate. Returning Australians on the Commonwealth facilitated flights into the Northern Territory will undertake their quarantine at the Centre for National Resilience."

(Link no longer valid)

If They can get this done in Australia, then other countries are on the way, including ours.

"Who must go into quarantine
(Update: 12-4-2022: Can't find this info at the link any more.  They have discontinued this practice.)

If a public health authority directs you to, you must go into a mandatory 14-day period of quarantine. During this time they will monitor you.

You will need to go into quarantine if you:

have returned home from overseas

have been in primary close contact with someone who has confirmed or probable COVID-19

are entering a state or territory, or an area within a state or territory, that has a required quarantine period."

What else needs to be said. Right now, In Australia, if you travel there or want to travel from Australian State to another, you must first quarantine for 14 days. Oh and guess who pays for this. You do. $2500 for your two week stay in Australia's vacation resort at Darwin.

"Quarantine fee

The quarantine fee for an individual is $2,500 for the full 14 day period.

A family rate of $5,000 applies for family groups of two or more people in shared accommodation.

People in mandatory supervised quarantine will also be subject to testing before exiting quarantine. If you refuse a test, there will be 10 days added to your quarantine time.

If you are required to undertake an additional 10 days of quarantine, a further fee will be charged of $1,750 for an individual or $3,500 for a family."

(Link no longer valid)

Here are some rules:

"Quarantine facilities need to be a safe environment for all residents and staff. The following are not permitted in either quarantine facility;

Cooking equipment including, microwaves, electric fryers, rice cookers, induction cookers, sandwich presses, toasters, etc.

Alcohol, bags may be checked on arrival.

Toys or recreational items such as swimming pools (plastic or inflatable), scooters, skateboards, bikes, balls and roller blades. These will be stored until your exit.


Care packages, personal goods or meal deliveries" (Link no longer active)

In an American prison, inmates have access to a "canteen" where they can buy many personal items, snacks, condiments and other things that are allowed in their cells.

If you are a non-convicted criminal (Suspected Possible Covid Carrier) in Australia, you pay for them to place you in solitary confinement for a minimum of 14 days, during which you get three meals a day, no snacking, no recreation, other than TV and internet (Wanna bet that's censored?) and the only close personal contact you get is when They come by and test you for Covid.

Think you might want to "escape" for a while?  They will Hunt You Down, full Manhunt mode, with roadblocks and Cops, then drag your ass back and you can just start your Quarantine all over again, you Suspected Possible Covid Carrier!

Like long walks or jogging? Tough shit. You are a Suspected Possible Covid Carrier and you don't have any right to that sort of thing.

Oh. No beef or pork in those three meals. So, although you are paying for this luxury vacation,
Dinner at Howard Springs

They tell you what to eat and when. You like bacon? Steak? Too F'n bad you Suspected Possible Covid Carrier you! Eat your tofu and shut up!

How long a step do you think it will be for Them to use camps like these for the unvaccinated? How about for Political Incorrectness? You think that can't happen? Who, a couple of years ago, would have predicted what They are doing now? Well, some of us HAVE predicted it and have been shouting warnings for years.

It's coming to this country, folks. Bet on it. They are already mandating an ineffective and dangerous vaccine in order to prevent you from getting a bad cold. Our courts will only hold Them off for so long. At some point, there will be uniforms at our door, forcing us to do as we are told. Door to door gun confiscation, vaccinations, arrests, interment. How can you doubt that it can happen to us when you take a quick look at Australia today?

This mess will be much worse, long before it gets better.

ABC News

Glenn Beck Facebook video

Sunday, December 05, 2021

The Popular Covid Info doesn't Make Sense

The Governments of the world would have us believe that the vaccines are safe, effective and necessary.  No mention, by officialdom, of the natural immunity enjoyed by the millions of people who have survived Covid.  No credence granted to the adverse reaction reports.  They censor and censure any Doctor who dares to talk about such things.  

I find this censorship and single-mindedness very suspicious.  Why are the major Governments of the world working so hard to stifle debate over this subject?  For every highly credentialed Doctor or Scientist relied on by our Government, I can show you an equally credentialed and prominent doctor or Scientist who is speaking in opposition to the whole thing.  I made a Blog post precisely because of this, making a clearinghouse, if you will, of links, videos and information which opposes the government version of this whole Covid debacle.  

I'm obviously not a medical expert. I'm just an old guy who can read and who has the time and expertise to do a lot of internet research. All things considered, I'd rather be using my internet platforms to brag about my cats. But, as a matter of fact, this whole Covid thing has me confused, conflicted and dismayed. There don't seem to be any real non-debatable facts in this whole mess.

Right from the start. Where did this Virus come from? Bats? Completely created in a lab? Enhanced in a lab? Manmade? Natural? There is valid evidence and credible testimony supporting all sides of just this question.

Are the "official" case numbers correct? Inflated? Under-reported? Again, valid debate can be made each way, just as the same questions are valid for the "official" numbers of deaths from it; or because of it or caused by it or related to it. Accurate? Under-reported? Inflated?

How about the vaccines? Are they effective or not? It's pretty obvious at this point that they don't protect us from getting the virus but do the vaccines help us to not be as sick? Or, are the vaccines incredibly dangerous or even toxic? Are they doing more harm than good? No harm at all? No good at all? These, too, are all debatable questions.

Then the debate about treatments. When you do catch this virus, do you just ride it out until you either get over it or get sick enough to go to the hospital? Hydroxychloroquin? Ivermectin? Monoclonal antibodies?

The cold hard numbers indicate that this is a very contagious virus that is very dangerous for a small portion of our country. Mostly older people or people with already existing health conditions. The numbers tell us that most Americans: approximately 95%, will not need to be hospitalized and that about 15% of those infected will have almost no symptoms. Only about 5% will be hospitalized and only .63% of those infected will die as a result of the virus. Those are GREAT odds! But, what if you or a loved one is part of that 5% who winds up in a Hospital? Or, worse, one of the .63% who die? For those in the unlucky number group this is a terrible and deadly virus which is destroying the world!

It's kind of hard to debate with cold hard numbers when your opposition is debating from personal tragedy. This isn't really an academic exercise. This is real people suffering real pain and loss. Especially when all the numbers are debatable and unclear. What is really going on?

The same can be said of the vaccines. The available statistics show that only .34% of the vaccinated have reported Adverse Reactions. So, the (accepted) cold hard numbers tell us that the vaccines are pretty safe. Very little chance that you will have a reportable reaction and almost no chance, statistically, that you will die. But, once again, what if you or a loved on is a "winner" of this lottery? What if it's your son who drops dead on the football field? What if it's you, lying in a bed with neurological damage that will never go away? Those statistics then mean exactly nothing.

But those vaccine safety numbers are also debatable. Every day there are reports of athletes collapsing on the field, children with Myocarditis, people with uncontrollable seizures...all purportedly as a result of the vaccine.

CDC tells us that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is unreliable because anyone can make a report and each report must be evaluated and confirmed. True. But the same CDC tells us that VAERS data is habitually under-reported. So, one can assume there are more VAERS-eligible events out there that we just don't know about.

I formed my opinions about the whole thing based on several criteria. First, the available cold hard numbers. They're a little easier for me to accept since I was one of the 15% with extremely mild symptoms. Then, and probably most influential for me, my own common sense and logic, based on my lifes experience. I find much of what has been and is being done and said VERY suspicious and illogical. There's no point in my again listing all the completely nonsensical things said and done by our "leaders". It's all too obvious 
and if you don't see it, then you are being deliberately ignorant.

My opinions, offered here at no cost and worth every penny. Covid19 is very contagious. If you haven't caught it, you are lucky and you're most likely going to eventually. But it's not nearly as dangerous as They want you to think. Especially if you get early treatment with any or all of the available (mostly censored) protocols. Even untreated, the overwhelming odds are that you will not be very sick. The good news is, once you are over it and have survived, you'll have a natural immunity which is reported to be more effective than the vaccinations.

Again, my opinion. I believe the vaccines are, at best, experimental and the true long term effects are, logically, completely unknown and unknowable. The current indications of very virulent adverse reactions to the vaccines scare me more than the Virus did and now that I know I have natural immunity, getting vaccinated would just be a stupid risk on my part.

If you disagree with me, great. If you think the vaccine is for you, then just bare your arm and take the needle. It's entirely up to you. I strongly recommend that you take the time to examine ALL the information, not just what the Government is spoon-feeding you. Follow and examine the links I have posted at Watch the videos there and the multiple videos available at some of those same links. Read and hear the warnings being shouted by thousands of highly credentialed Doctors around the world.

When you've examined and evaluated all the available information, THEN form your opinion. If it's different than mine, I'm good with that.

I'm still posting stories about my cats, maybe you can find some entertainment value there.