Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Why Vote For Trump?

It all comes back to the record. During the Trump administration, we had lower inflation, higher employment, lower gas prices, fewer wars/conflicts. Our strategic oil reserves were full while we were a major exporter of energy. Our border was under considerably better control and getting stronger. The basic question; "Are you better off now than you were during the Trump Presidency?" That's the bottom line.

The Biden/Harris regime has brought us record inflation, greater unemployment, higher gas prices, loss of energy reserves, a border invasion and greatly increased crime rates nationwide. The disastrous debacle in Afghanistan made us such an international laughingstock that Russia and Hamas each decided it was safe and effective to initiate major wars.

As we sit here today, the possibility of our being drawn even more into those wars is strong. Simply because we have no elected leadership and the actual leadership is anti-American and incompetent. Unless, of course, Their aim is to destroy the United States. In that case, the people who have been running our country for the past 3+ years are Extremely competent as we've never been closer to total breakdown as we are at this moment.

A big part of the problem is that the Biden/Harris regime has not been controlled by our elected officials. I wish it were as simple as "Biden and Harris did that". It isn't. Poor Old Biden (POB) has been in the grip of advanced dementia pretty much since his (s)election. Harris was doing nothing, other than lying about POB's decline. Our country has been run, for the past 3+years, by a shadowy cabal in the background, who do NOT have the best interests of the United States at heart. At this point, it's even more obvious, as Harris is travelling around the country, reading teleprompters, while POB is at the beach.
Who is actually running our country?

Biden/Harris have been, at best, phoning in their part in governance. It looks as if the two have

deliberately abdicated their positions to outside influencers and have just been talking heads, with no actual control. POB certainly has not had any real influence on the actions of our "government" as he isn't mentally capable and hasn't been for a long time. WE all know that, or Harris wouldn't have been installed as the Dem "nominee".

President Trump has a proven track record. All the doom and gloom that was predicted during the 2016 election never came to pass. He didn't start any new wars. He ended some. His economy was great, the border was secured and business was booming. We KNOW his ideas work because we've SEEN his ideas work. And, most importantly, They can't control him! That's why They have been working so hard, using every possible means, including attempted murder, to keep President Trump from being back in office and putting a stop to Their efforts to overthrow our way of life.  President Trump has literally taken a bullet for our country!

My hope and prayer is the we re-elect the Outlaw, who can then work to put our country back together. Then, two terms of the Hillbilly to make the whole thing more permanent.

We'll see happy families, good jobs, a productive and thriving economy, secure borders and reduced crime. We'll see our infrastructure improved, business, manufacturing and production return and tensions in the world reduced.

Under a Harris puppet regime, we'll see just more of the same that we've seen this last 3 and a half years. Exactly the opposite of what I've expressed above. The financial, social and safety decline will just continue until we are unrecognizable. If we aren't devastated by WWIII, which is a significant possibility if the current Regime continues.

Pretty simple, really. Do we want to continue the national decline and destruction of our way of life or do we want to go back to the days of a growing and vibrant economy, secure borders and more peaceful world?

(more detail and links to sources posted in the following articles)
I compare economies
One World Government Is Already In Charge

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