Thursday, September 26, 2024

Trump: last barricade between us and the Global Government

I don't, for a single second, blame the current state of our country on Poor Old Biden or Clueless Kamala. Neither of them has been in charge since they were Installed in the office. They are simply puppets of a shadowy group of puppetmasters who have actually been running things for a long time. At least since JFK.  And make no mistake.  This cabal is pure evil and Satan himself is at the controls.

These same people were pulling Barack's chains and would very likely have come out of hiding and completely taken over if Hillary had been elected. They certainly had control of Bill and she would have agreed to be Their face if They'd let her be elected. But, somehow, Their wires got crossed and They wound up with President Trump. A completely uncontrollable person on whom They had not counted. He really wasn't supposed to win!

So, They, through Their controlled media and many controlled politicians, did Their best to

undermine everything President Trump wanted to do. "Russia! Russia! Russia!", the Steel Dossier, impeachments...none of it worked. So, They fired one of Their big guns; Covid. Probably before it was completely developed. But, it panicked enough of us to get better control of the population, first with masks, then lockdowns and; "what the Hell?" might as well bring out "the vaccine". Use it to get rid of a few more of us and get some free-thinkers and malcontents out of important jobs, like emergency services, hospitals and the military.

Covid gave Them opportunities to steal the election, right in front of us. Then, Their puppydog media made enough of us disbelieve our lying eyes about the stolen election that, now, it's just "the big lie". It IS the Big Lie. But the lie is from Them, claiming that the election was NOT stolen. That's the lie.

Install Poor Old Biden; a demented old fool who will do or say whatever They want and he even came with his own controller...Jill. Use Kamala as the second chair. For one thing, no one wanted to impeach POB since that cackling idiot was next in line so she was "impeachment insurance". But, Clueless Kamala is even more controllable than POB. And she's concious enough to actually AGREE to being an out-front puppet.

But that damned Trump just won't take a hint! Here he comes again. So, hit him with lawsuits in friendly courts. Use the DOJ to charge him criminally. Tie him up in courts, take as much of his money away as They can and maybe he'll either catch on and back off or They can get him into jail or at least turn the country against him.

Well, it didn't work. We recognized what They were doing and everything They tried just made us more adamant that Trump is our guy. And they pissed Trump off, making him more aggressive, rather than less.

At the same time, POB was getting so obviously out of it that even the compromised media couldn't keep it hidden any more. So, start grooming "Plan B". Yes, she's an idiot, but she's a compliant idiot and with, once again, the help of the media, maybe They could make her look good enough to get past the Trump bump.

Didn't work, though. Even the fake media and rigged polls couldn't get it to look good enough for Them to steal it again. They know They'll need to be a little more circumspect this time because we're watching now. And (so far) nothing like Covid to confuse the issue.

So, They decide that They have to kill him. But, apparently, good help is hard to find. Maybe the Mafia isn't willing to cooperate this time and both the people They get to try it are morons and either got themselves killed (Shut THAT mouth!) or caught.

That's where we are today. What's Their next move? Well, I've said for years that President Trump should hire his own security and give the Secret Service the day off. How about Blackwater? They'll almost certainly not stop trying to kill him. The lawfare is on hold. Maybe get WWIII started before the election? I predicted that three months ago. I think it's still possible that we only have a few weeks left before the world blows up.

Their agenda is on the line if President Trump is re-elected. Especially if we can then get the

Hillbilly elected for a couple of terms. That might actually get us back on track and send Them back across the pond to lick Their wounds and work out a new plan. Don't think that They'll be gone, though. They've pretty much got everybody else in line. I think we're the last holdout; bastion of freedom.

I think that, if we lose this election, we lose it all.

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