Tuesday, July 09, 2024

All that matters is "Who Can Beat Trump!"

For a couple of years now, we have all known that Poor Old Biden (POB) is totally unfit for ANY office. his dementia has been on full display. but we have been told to ignore our lying eyes and just trust the Media, the White House Spokesperson and everyone else on Team Biden. "He's fine!"

When POBs complete lack of mental and physical ability was on full display for the world, Democrats suddenly said: "Wow! He's really bad! He can't beat Trump so he needs to step down." The media was SHOCKED! Shocked, I tell you! They had No Idea that POB was that bad. Suddenly, the MSM is all talking about how his condition seems so bad that he should step down so someone who can beat Trump can take over. Apparently, the MSM hasn't been seeing the same videos of POB falling down, stumbling over his words, lost on stage, crapping himself in a meeting and all the other stuff he's been doing, right in front of us, that They just ignored, until it was on full display for the whole world. Even They had to start admitting that...maybe...there's something wrong.

Let me be clear. In my opinion, Biden and the Biden Crime Family have been reprehensible, corrupt criminals throughout his eternity in public office. But, his condition now, in the Presidents office, is NOT his fault. He's old and wearing out. So am I. So are many people around the world. The one at fault here is Jill Biden who allows her husband to be exploited in this manner. It looks like criminal elder abuse to me. However, this isn't my point.

My point is that the Democrats have been perfectly content with POB being unfit for the job into which They installed him. They knew his situation from the beginning and had Their own team of people ready to make the decisions, policies and orders that have nearly destroyed our country; probably on purpose. POB has not made any of these decisions. He isn't and hasn't been running the country. But the Democrats, including Their puppet media and Their Intel and "Justice" offices, have no interest in what's best for America. Never mind that Putin and Xi Jinping are rubbing their hands in glee at the current opportunities available to them while our country is without effective leadership. Never mind the deplorable (word used on purpose) state of our economy, our military, our energy and our border. The ONLY reason They have turned against POB (who is Their construct, after all) is because They are afraid that POB can't beat Trump in the upcoming election. Allowing our country to fall is acceptable as long as a Democrat is in the White House.

If someone is voting for POB again because of Trump Derangement Syndrome or just because POB has a D by his name, then shame on them. Voting for POB is voting for a shadow government with a completely incompetent (and likely incontinent) figurehead napping in a back room. If They replace POB with someone else, not because they can do a better job of running the country but simply because this new person might be able to keep President Trump out of office, then a vote for that new candidate is simply a vote, again, for the shadow government. A nameless, faceless group who installed POB in the White House in the first place (much like a new toilet) and has been deliberately running our country into the ground, under the name of POB, since. That deliberate destruction will continue if They get a new puppet in, even one who can find his way off a stage.

We are a laughing stock throughout the world and our adversaries are probably on Zoom meetings right now, setting a date. I still say that it is likely that we suffer at least one major attack in the very short time we have between now and the election. Those who wish harm to the United States know that NOW is the time for them to strike, while we are leaderless and impotent.

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