Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Is President Trump the Anti-Christ?

I want to address my thoughts about President Trump and some of our Current Affairs. During his first Primary election, in 2016, I actually liked Ted Cruz a little more and voted for Cruz in that primary. But, at the time, I said that I'd be comfortable with either candidate. President Trump won that primary with over 14 million votes: the most for any candidate in Republican primary history.

Those who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) are quick to point out some of President Trump's issues with women, his previous financial dealings and possibly shady business practices. All that may be true. I do find it interesting that, with all the INCREDIBLE effort that has been taken to find SOMEthing criminal in his past, the best They could do was to resurrect a possible misdemeanor, artificially manage to increase it to a felony and then try him in an unfriendly court with an obviously biased judge and jury. For the most investigated man in history, this is the worst They can find?

If we take all of this at face value, President Trump, in the past, has cheated on his wife, not only with willing participants but with hookers as well. Basically, the Charlie Sheen of the real estate set. He probably has authorized lies and subterfuge in order to secure lucrative contracts or "deals" in his business. He's most likely exaggerated his wealth and his importance for personal gain, either financial or to get into bed with another woman.

But, before he announced his candidacy against Hillary, President Trump was friends with ALL these now TDS Democrats. Well, maybe They didn't like HIM but They sure loved his money! He was an "A lister" wherever he went.

Is President Trump a bad guy, just conning us all in order to take control of the world? Or, just to be President again? There is actually some concern in my mind that President Trump MAY be the Anti-Christ, carefully crafting his grasp of world power. I like to consider questions like this in the light of available facts, along with logic and common sense. So, let's do that.

Matthew 7:16-20 King James Version
"16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. "

"The 14th of June, 1946 is the birthday of a boy born in the Jamaica District of Queens, New York City.

A USMC Sargent spends 7 months in a Mexican prison for a minor charge. He is beaten. The man from Queens sends him a check for $25,000 "To get you started."

A Black bus driver saves a suicidal girl from jumping off a bridge. Our Queens man sends him a check for $10,000.

A rabbi's critically ill son needs to get from NYC to California for specialty care. No airlines will fly him. The generous man pays for a private flight for the child."

Most of the people who have worked for or with President Trump, either in his private business or in the Presidency, are fiercely loyal to him. He has advanced many women and minorities to positions of power and leadership in his private and public business. Trump seems to put the most qualified person in any job, with no apparent regard for race, sex, religion or any other irrelevant factor. With a very few notable exceptions, all those who have been around Trump, whether in his business or political deealings, are still strong supporters.

Let's look also at a little common sense. President Trump was a billionaire businessman/playboy. He has a gourgeous wife and wonderful children. More money than anyone could use up, his own golf resort, multiple homes and an income in the millions. So, he runs for the office of President of the United States. Half the country immediately vilifies him. His opponent, a former friend, hires people not only to dig up dirt on him but to make it up as well. The Steele Dossier is created, contracted and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. It makes outrageous and scandalous claims about Trump's personal life. He wins the Presidency, despite all the Main Stream Media assertions that he could NEVER. For years, claims that Trump was a Russian Asset and that his whole campaign was inspired by and even ordered by Russia, were daily news. When all that, the Steele Dossier, the "Russia. Russia. Russia" claims and all of it was proven false, very little mention was made in the Main Stream Media. President Trump donates his entire Presidential salary to charities, throughout his term.

He makes every effort to actually KEEP all his campaign promises.

Every effort that President Trump made to institute his ideas for the country were met with ridicule and rebuke. He was impeached, basically for things that Vice President Biden had actually done previously. President Trump was treated with contempt by those who, only a few years before, were partying, wining and dining with him. His friends were indicted for anything that Government agencies could find on them.

During the Trump Presidency, the U.S. Economy reaches unprecedented levels. Employment, especially minority employment, is the best in recorded history. The stock market booming, inflation down, manufacturing up. NATO countries begin paying their share of the costs of NATO. One of the biggest tax reductions in our history. Border security at an all time high. Trade with other countries becomes more lucrative because it was made more fair to all parties; but, mostly, made advantageous for the U.S. The military morale was at an all time high. The evil organization of ISIS was all but destroyed and terrorism diminished around the world. A Middle East Peace agreement was reached and Jerusalem became the capital of Israel. There were no new wars and much of our military was returned home from their overseas deployments.

Then, his re-election bid was lost; likely to fraud and theft. Afterward, he STILL was hounded by Legal issues, still vilified in the press, lost business, was fined and sued for millions of dollars.

Still, he runs for President again. Why? Does he just revel in being made a pariah? Maybe he thrives on insults and abuse? Possibly he enjoys being the defendant in court battles? If he'd just turn his back on this President thing, all this stuff would likely just go away. Could it be; and I'm just guessing here, that President Trump actually BELIEVES and MEANS what he says about loving America and wanting to Make America Great Again? Could he really be so naive that he thinks we could actually again be the leader of the Free World? A prosperous and happy nation? "A land, choice above all other lands"?

In my opinion, free for the asking and worth every penny...yes. For all his bombast, bragging, insulting, mean tweets, womanizing and complaining, I believe that President Trump truly means well for the United States of America. I believe he has and will put the needs of our country first and will stand up to all those who wish to bring us down.

Is he a good man, of good character? Welll...mostly. Do I think he's an effective, loyal and successful President with the right ideas for our Country? Absolutely.

He did it before. I think he'll do it again.

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