Thursday, June 13, 2024

Get Ready Folks

Ok. I looked up from the depths of my depression over Joann and what I'm seeing concerns me.

Let's just gloss over the DEI stupidity and the Trans insanity. Those things are stupid and are causing dissension throughout the country but I'm thinking they may be more of a distraction than real issues.

What's real? Well, let's see. Our President is an obviously demented, doddering old fool who is NOT running the country! Quit blaming Poor Old Biden (POB) for inflation, lawlessness, EV mandates, oil prices and, most of all, current foreign affairs. POB has no idea what's really going on around him and is NOT making any of the decisions which are so negatively affecting our country and world. Putting POB out there as the figurehead is simply elder abuse. I'm not smart enough to know who is really making these decisions and causing the destruction of the United States of America but it appears to be a deliberate destruction.

So, while we fuss, bitch and complain among each other over men competing in women's sports, whether enough LGBTQ people have been hired by the local butcher or whether Electric Vehicles will save the planet, the masterminds in the background behind POB are working on ensured mutual destruction around the world. Let's call them "Team Biden" (TB).

TB has authorized Ukraine firing U.S. made weapons into Russian soil. Now, see if you can follow here. Ukraine military is NOT trained to deploy many of the weapons we've sent them. So, U.S. military or military contractors (can you say "C.I. A." ?) will have to train them or actually do the technical work themselves. In that case, U.S. personnel will be firing missiles into the country of Russia! You think that might be "poking the bear" just a bit? Well, maybe. Did you notice that Russia recently conducted "training exercises" just East of Florida? With a nuclear sub and a new Frigate, armed with hypersonic missiles?

Did you know that, in addition to trade issues, we are in a staredown with China over whether Taiwan is a sovereign state or just another piece of China? Admiral Samuel Paparo, who leads the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, says "I want to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hellscape using a number of classified capabilities".

A U.S. Admiral is threatening to use drone technology against China if they try to take over Taiwan. And the Chinese response? They don't seem to be particularly worried, and have said: "China can use its hypersonic anti-ship missiles to keep US aircraft carriers out of the region, and can jam the signals needed to control unmanned weapons."

So, we currently teeter on the edge of World War III, mostly because Team Biden has no idea how to handle foreign policy. Another contributing factor here is that the whole world is laughing at our Demento In Chief. EVERYone knows that POB is not in charge and that those who are are either idiots (certainly possible) or deliberately working to destroy America from within. It's the Globalist Agenda being played out right in front of us and it seems as if the majority of Americans are clueless.

None of this stuff would be happening if POB had not been installed in the White House. And you can believe that current events are EXACTLY why President Trump HAD to be removed from office and why They will go to any length to keep him from being back there. The Ukraine Proxy War would NEVER have happened if They hadn't put POB where he is. Neither would the Israel/Gaza war. Iran is back in the game as is ISIS. All these bad actors were neutralized by the actions of President Trump before, do you think They want him BACK?

Here's my prediction for the very near future. Since all the made up legal issues don't seem to be having any negative effect on the Trump re-election campaign, I agree with Tucker Carlson and others that an attempt will be made on President Trump's life. I hope he has some of his own security because I'm not really confident in the same Secret Service that was guarding President Kennedy!

If it doesn't look like They are going to be able to stop President Trump from getting back into the White House, then I believe international events will be accelerated. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea...they all know that America is vulnerable right now, since we're all but leaderless and our military is weakened by political stupidity. Now is Their time, quickly, before President Trump is back to stand in their way.

Get ready, folks.


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