Thursday, June 27, 2024

Do We Only Have Four Months Left?

My research for this article was very enlightening. I have to say that my original inspiration for this was different from the final results. Let's begin.

In 2016, during her campaign, Hillary Clinton claimed that Donald Trump would be a very dangerous President and that he just lacked the maturity and restraint necessary for the job. She very emphatically claimed that a Donald Trump Presidency could likely result in World War III (WWIII) and the Main Stream Media heartily agreed with her.

President Trump's rhetoric about Kim Jong Un and North Korea had the Main Stream Media (MSM) throwing fits and nearly crying on the TV about Trump pushing North Korea to attack us. Trump, who had threatened “fire and fury” and called Kim “Little Rocket Man,” was practically forcing NK to show us how tough they were. Trump was getting us into WWIII.

And, of course, the incessant MSM shouts of "Russia! Russia ! Russia!" in an atempt to make us all believe that Trump was in league with Vladimir Putin and we'd be subjects of Russia any day!

Then, suddenly, Trump and Kim Jong Un were meeting and Trump actually strolled with Un on the NK side of the DMZ. As President Trump, the Dealer in Chief, made a "deal" with Kim Jong Un, effectively putting a stop to all the NK saber rattling. How many missile tests, fired over Japan, since Trump and Un took their little walk? Hmmm? Once again, Trump was right. Here's the headline from a PBS article which tells the whole story: "Trump says tough rhetoric led to North Korea summit"

Trump didn't make idle threats. If he drew a "red line" then other countries believed there would be repercussions for crossing it. ISIS was all but eliminated. The Taliban was reduced in power. Trump was bringing troops home and conflicts were winding down.

Trumps sanctions of nearly every aspect of Iran's economy caused them to be in serious financial straights and not inclined to waste money on terrorism around the world.

Trump brokered a historical Middle East Peace agreement between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain, called the "Abraham Accords", which brightened the hope that more Arab countries might join in. A significant beginning for actual Peace in the Middle East.

Now, where are we? Well, most if not all of the successful peace efforts of the Trump Presidency have been nearly eliminated and we are seriously at the brink of WWIII. All the dire predictions about the Trump Presidency have become true or are nearly true except for one thing. It's all been during the Team Biden Presidency. All those things They said Trump would cause? Well, Team Biden has managed to either actually or nearly acheive!

As an aside, I don't blame Poor Old Biden. I personally don't believe he is in any way in control of what's going on. I don't believe he has the mental capacity to do any of the things that have been done. I blame what I call "Team Biden". A bunch of nameless, faceless, unaccountable background people who are actually making decisions and setting policy, with no concern for the welfare of the United States. Likely, quite the contrary.

Russia is in a war with Ukraine and everyone knows it's a proxy war between NATO and Russia; which means US and Russia. Recently, Team Biden authorized Ukraine to fire U.S. made missiles into Russian territory. Everyone knows that these higly technical missiles are NOT controlled by Ukrainian fighters, actually in Ukraine. The intelligence is technical, electronic, satelite technology and is guided by U.S. personnel, likely not even in Ukraine and probably not even in Europe. These missiles could be controlled by technicians in downtown Las Vegas as easily as in the Pentigon or London. Who knows?

Russia is VERY aware of this and has told us so now in no uncertain terms, since a Ukrainian missile attack, using U.S. made guided missiles, in Sevastopol caused the deaths and injuries of multiple civilians and we are blamed. The U.S. Ambassador to Russia was called in to the Russian Foreign Ministry where they accused the US of waging a “proxy war” and said retaliatory measures would “definitely follow”. No one has a precise definition of "retaliatory measures" but it doesn't sound good!

Other quotes from the Aljazeera article: “Such actions by Washington … will not be left without response,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Monday as it summoned the ambassador. “There will definitely be response measures. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the attack “absolutely barbaric” and said in a news conference that Moscow would react to the US involvement."

The week of June 10, 2024, Russian warships, including a nuclear submarine and a frigate, equipped with hypersonic missiles (for which we have no viable defense) were involved in an "exercise" in International waters, just off the Florida coast. Think that might be a wake up call? and that was BEFORE the Sevastopol missile strike!

Russia, China and several other countries are actively advocating for a different international currency under an organization called BRICS, which could destabilize the Dollar, possibly even put the U.S. in financial default.

Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un recently took a little walk in North Korea and signed a mutual defense agreement.

Israel and the Palestinians are now locked in destructive conflict in the Gaza strip after a cowardly and evil Hamas terrorist attack into Israel.which is most likely financed by an emboldened Iran. Guess that Peace Agreement that Trump managed to put together kind of got kicked to the curb with the current "administration".

So, let's recap. During the Presidency of Donald Trump, Iran had to forgo much of it's financing of international terror in order to keep the lights on at home. Peace agreements were arranged with North Korea and some countries in the middle East. Not only no NEW wars started during those four years but the ones we WERE fighting were winding down and President Trump was bringing troops home. President Trump had arranged peaceful relations with North Korea.

Now, after three years of Team Biden, Russia is rattling sabers nearly within sight of our shores, is actively fighting real war in Ukraine, while we fund and even assist their opponent, causing Russia to blame us for what amounts to a terror attack on Russian civilians. This causes Russia; one of the worlds Superpowers, to say: "retaliatory measures would “definitely follow”. Russia is now actively aligned with China and North Korea. Israel is at war with Hamas, on the Israel doorstep, and we actively fund that war as well.

Hundreds of military aged Chinese and Islamic men are illegally crossing our border every day.

I've cited all these facts to say this. It's likely that, barring another stolen election (call it what it was...a coup!), it's most likely that President Trump will be re-elected (again) and this time actually take office...again. The bad actors of our world, who would like to destroy and take over this "Choice land, above all other lands" are well aware of the fact that if we have a REAL President, all Their plans will at least be delayed if not completely thwarted. In other words, They CAN'T let President Trump be re-elected. Can Not. I dearly hope that President Trump has his own Security in place and isn't relying on the same Secret Service that was guarding President Kennedy.

Any of these countries which might have plans to attack us know that if President Trump keeps his promises, which he did last time, then They will lose Their opportunity. So, if it looks like President Trump will actually be re-elected, I think we should be prepared for an attack before he can take office, while Team Biden is still in "control" and our country is weak and essentially leaderless.

In my opinion, it's entirely possible that WWIII will be initiated for real within the next four months.

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