Wednesday, December 29, 2021

What this blog was about and what it has become

Browse this blog, including the older pages, especially those from years ago. Look around and, hopefully, you will find entertainment. It wasn't always a Covid. politics and current events page.

I originally set up my blog page to do what most seem to with their blogs.

First, I planned to be a central resource for Western Music and Cowboy Poetry; venues, material, news and so on. Hence, the name of the Blog.

Then, I wanted to chronicle my music and pool tournament travels for my friends and family. It gave me a place to post pictures and information where everyone could see it, if they were interested.

Consequently, the early blog posts are mostly just that. I had posts about my travels with guitar and pool cue, posts about other performers and some of their material. Even did enough reporting of venues and events that I was invited to do so at the National Cowboy Poetry Festival in Elko, NV.

I would fail to keep it up to date, though, because I just wasn't doing enough in my life to keep making frequent entries. I'd start up again and then let it go stagnant for a while.

I started working on some cooking articles and that seemed interesting for a while.

Interspersed with mostly personal stuff, I would occasionally post something political, mostly during campaign seasons. A personal blog gives me a good platform for more comprehensive and detailed writing on subjects which catch my interest and about which I'm passionate.

Then, things in our country seemed to be taking a turn for the worst. The situation at Bundy Ranch prompted me to do some writing and then Ammon followed that up with the Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupation and the Oregon State Police murder of Lavoy Finicum.

Riots, vandalism and lawlessness in our cities became big news nationally and I posted my own observations and opinions.

Then...Along Came Covid. The Mis-information, censorship and outright lies were and are so obvious to a person with ANY common sense that I just couldn't sit quietly and fume. I HAD to get my frustrations out "on paper". I didn't believe what I was being told by the Mainstream Media, our government and our medical "leadership" so I started spending far too much time on the internet, looking for articles and information about what I was being told.

For the last couple of years, most of my articles focus on the Covid lies and conspiracies. Interspersed, of course, with the stolen election, Epstein Didn't Kill Himself, wokeness and once in a while, even some forays into scriptures and Biblical prophecies.
 Satan Isn't Hiding Anymore

That "cowboyentertainer" name no longer really describes what people will read here but it's too late to change now. I live with it.

I have only a forlorn hope that someone who disagrees with me might somehow change their opinion and come over to "my side" but I DO have hope that someone on the fence might read this stuff and begin to see a glimmer of logic and common sense flickering through.

That was why I decided to put together the resource page for those looking for vaccine and Covid treatment information. You know; the stuff that you aren't supposed to know about! I actually designed it so that I could get some of the condescending Doctors with whom I have contact to read it. In that case, if I were to get one Doctor to say "Hmmmm" and start looking into this stuff themselves, I might actually have saved a life out there.


Don Diego de la Vega said...

"MOST 🙌🏻 EXCELLENT!!" ~Bill 👥️&Ted~

Anonymous said...

Should totally 🙌🏻 do a "Three 🎬 Amigos" 🌵 (1986) Cover!! Oh and btw.., that song's essentially Annie's (1982) "Tomorrow" Melody.., but slightly adjusted!! But I'm no [Carl Sagan] 👨‍🔬 Science WiZ 🪄🧙‍♀️ .., when it comes to Music 📻🎶 Theory!!