Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Who is actually running our country?!

When I actually write out these things, the current situation and the goals involved become obvious. Just one Conspiracy Theory being either true or likely true doesn't ring alarm bells as much as actually writing it all out. Just the true events of the last few years read like a Science Fiction novel. A scary one.

Poor Old Biden has obviously not been mentally present for at least three years and probably more. This isn't news and it isn't conjecture. Everybody knows now what was right in front of us the whole time. Kamala Harris was one of those who actively concealed this fact from the American people. 

The question becomes: "Who has been running the United States these last four years? And, since Harris is spending all of her time trying to be installed as President while P.O.B. is on the beach; well, who is running the country now? 

I just don't understand why this isn't a more prevalent theme on the new media of podcasts and social media. Why do I seem to be the only one concerned about who or WHAT is actually making decisions and orders pertaining to our Country? Kamala is reading teleprompters all over, trying to look like she's campaigning so the steal isn't COMPLETELY obvious. President Cabbage has just checked out and is living at the beach. Obviously, SOMEone is driving the bus. but, who and to what catastrophic destination?

For a thinking person, I feel this also brings out the question of the last Presidential Election. Was it stolen, as President Trump and many of us believe? Or, is the Main Stream Media telling the truth for once and that is just "The Big Lie"? I agree with naming it "The big Lie" but, the lie is that it was fair and legal. The last election was anything but.

It seems obvious that the shadowy, One World Government leaders have clandestinely taken over our country, through Their well executed overthrow plan. A plan which is very much still active and we are still in play.

They have been working on overthrowing the United States for a long time. At least since the Kennedy Assassination. The Bush/Clinton dynasties were a part of it and then They installed Obama as President, who then managed to pave the way for Their more active involvement in the U.S..  Hillary was supposed to be installed in the office and would most likely have completed the take-over. But, a wrench got thrown into the machinery. A wrench named Trump. I can only imagine the consternation and anger expressed at the New World Order meeting after President Trump won the election that They had considered a done deal!

So, a quick changeover to "plan B". "Russia, Russia, Russia"; the Steel Dossier, impeach President Trump for things that Their puppet Biden had done. Make up ways to derail the President's efforts at rebuilding the country that Their puppets had been deliberately destroying from within.

Let's look at some of the events of the last few years in that light. As elements of a well thought out plan. Also, read where I re-posted an article from the Coffee and Covid blog which easily illustrates how the One World Government (or, New World Order) is ALREADY in charge, worldwide. They just aren't letting it be acknowledged...yet. (https://cowboyentertainer.blogspot.com/2023/01/one-world-government-is-already-in.html)

It's become obvious that Covid was developed in a lab in Wuhan, funded by the United States Government. Did it escape the lab or was that a deliberate event? After watching the way things have progressed over the last few years, I lean towards "deliberate".

Covid accomplished a number of things for Them. First, it removed many of the older, infirm, non-productive citizens from the world, reducing the population and getting some "problems" out of the way at the same time. Next, They were able to test and insure compliance of the majority of the world population; first with the ridiculous mask mandates, then the shut down. They were able to mandate how and where we could worship, strengthen the hold of major retailers and get control of our healthcare. Then, They were able to, through our expanding compliance, get many to allow injection of Their "vaccine" and continued injections since.

These compliance efforts identified those who are not "team players" and had to be removed from positions of importance. Witness the firing of Police/Fire/Medical/Military personnel who refused to get "The Shot" and replacing them with people who will "go along". An obvious major move in Their plan.

At the same time, They were able to use the reactions to Covid to cloud the re-election of President Trump, using mail in ballots and more propaganda to take control of the election.

All these things were accomplished using various allies but one of the most effective allies has been the State Run Media. They had to censor all Social Media in order to keep us from being informed outside their controlled talking heads and now, with Zuckerberg's admission on record, we can prove They did. https://rumble.com/v5cu3wc-zuckerberg-admits-biden-harris-administration-pressured-facebook-to-censor-.html

Watch ALL the media saying exactly the same thing!

President Trump and to a lesser extent, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, have been attacked on all sides in an extreme effort to keep either of them from being elected to office. Made up legal issues, both civil and criminal, have kept President Trump in court and have clouded his record for the election. Efforts to keep President Trump off the ballots didn't work but DID work against RFK. RFK joining with President Trump was a master counter move.

They selected (not E-lected) Kamala Harris, an already easily controllable puppet, as the
Notice: no crowd reflection on engine

Democrat Candidate against the re-election of President Trump and are now manipulating the media message to make it look as if she could be fairly elected. It seems obvious that They plan to do the same thing with this election as They did with the last. 

I expect that the upcoming Presidential Election and to a lesser extent, the down-ballot elections, will be manipulated even more than the last one. Maybe this time They will be a little more covert about it but: why should they? It was done blatantly and in our face last time and Their media and puppet politicians were able to make it so anyone who still believes their lying eyes about the last election is considered just a nut case and unreliable.

Kamala Harris has been doing Their bidding all along and will certainly continue so to do, especially if installed as President.

We're in trouble, folks and have been for a long time. President Kennedy warned us and planned to expose it all so he was killed. President Trump is not a part of Their club and is not willing to do Their bidding so They are going all out to get rid of him. Don't think They are done with the lawfare, character, business and financial destruction. President Trump really damaged Their plans by beating Their expected puppet in 2016. They had to go into emergency mode to keep him from accomplishing all that he wanted and now, to keep him from doing it again. So far, They have tried to murder him twice and both times we have understandable questions about the Secret Service commitment to President Trump's safety.

If you want to see where we're headed, watch "The Hunger Games"

Don't comply! Let's say that again...Do Not COMPLY!  And VOTE!!


The Biden/Harris Legacy (An excerpt from https://www.malone.news/)

This is a part of todays message from Doctor Robert Malone 

"The Biden/Harris Legacy
Weaponized government, hate, divisiveness, censorship, propaganda, Ukraine War, Afghanistan withdrawal, #PsyWar, Corruption, Stolen election, and Assassination attempts.

Robert W Malone MD, MS
Sep 17, 2024

Take a moment to think about this. Under the Biden/Harris administration, we now have two unsuccessful attempts to assassinate the former President of the United States. The Biden/Harris administration has repeatedly refused to provide enhanced Secret Service protection to President Trump during this run for re-election. Concurrent with and immediately before both attempts, Biden and Harris have repeatedly used inflammatory rhetoric targeting President Trump.

Regarding the Biden/Harris presidential administration, what will history record? I suggest that it is likely that the Biden/Harris administration will be recorded as highly corrupt and incompetent. An administration with a constant appetite for war and other foreign adventures (Nordstream, for example) and yet curiously incompetent in the management of war. Witness the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the enormously expensive and mismanaged Ukrainian misadventure.

An administration that was entirely in bed with Big Pharma, and responsible for one of the most significant public health mismanagement fiascos in recorded history (the COVIDcrisis). Promoters of globalism and enhanced powers and funding for the World Health Organization (the Pandemic Treaty and revision of the International Health Regulations). This administration completely disregarded established post WWII norms in bioethics and informed consent, and quite literally committed the violent act of forced vaccination of millions (including armed forces personnel) with unproven, inadequately tested, gene-therapy based vaccine products.

This administration has a long and uninterrupted history of promoting unfounded hate and divisiveness among US Citizens and of targeting its political opponents via lawfare and every other means at its disposal. Wholesale weaponization of the whole of government against opponents, the likes of which have never been seen before in the USA.

This administration has given birth to, promoted, enabled, and exploited a mercenary public-private partnership consisting of a censorship and propaganda industrial complex. This administration worked with other partners, including the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance, to turn modern hybrid warfare/PsyWar technology designed for offshore combat onto its own citizens. This administration has abused its relationships and power with corporate media and Big Tech to actively deploy and exploit modern propaganda methods in a desperate attempt to remain in power while punishing and, in some cases, unjustly jailing the loyal and patriotic opposition.

And then there are the open border policies, failure to address CCP hostility, and the Fentanyl crisis.

The weaponization of the Intelligence community and corporate media to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story right before the election. Which in itself constitutes election fraud and theft.

And then there are the horrible energy policy decisions, edicts regarding electric vehicles (and long haul trucks), and failure to keep an eye on the ball and follow through with infrastructure rebuilding proposals.

I predict that this administration will go down as one of the worst and most corrupt in the history of the United States of America.

To further illustrate my points, I offer two pivotal moments in history: the “Winter of Severe Illness and Death” psychological bioterrorism speech and the midterm 2022 Independence Hall “MAGA is a threat” speech.

We must never forget what has been done to the USA and American Citizens by this administration.

From the Mar-a-Lago panty raid event to the incitement of violence and assassination attempts. Biden and I agree on one thing- This must stop. Stop the anger, hate, accusations, lies, censorship and propaganda. Stop deploying PsyWar on the American People. This type of behavior cannot be allowed to stand. What we disagree on is which behavior. Once again, the evidence indicates that Biden’s hate speech is driven by his own fear and projection."

I would add to this the fact that Poor Old Biden has suffered from dementia, essentially since he was selected for the office of President. He has not been in control of anything, let alone our country, for over three years. Kamala Harris has been instrumental in concealing and covering up this fact, along with the willing assistance of the Main Stream Media and many of our political "leaders".

My question was and is: "Who's actually running the United States of America?" No one else seems to be focusing on this firghtening question. Harris on her teleprompter tours and Biden at the beach while some person or group is actually giving orders and making decisions; all with the willing cooperation, not only of Biden/Harris but of anyone "in the know" within the inner workings of our "government". Why does this not seem to concern anyone else?