Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Welcome to Prepping

As the Corona virus (Covid19) panic grows, I say "Welcome!  To the world of Prepping."

"Preppers" have not been stocking up for the Apocalypse or for Zombie attacks or any of that crap.  Most of us just realize that there are times when we should be prepared to live on our own for a while.

In past years, I've had to dig into my storage because of losing a job, a major blizzard and other weather issues.  It isn't a bad thing to have extra food and other supplies set aside for an emergency.  Things like non-perishable food, batteries, oil lamps (and oil!), blankets and warm clothes, hand tools, medications and so on can be stored in a pantry area. You REALLY don't have to go to the store every day for that days meals.  Really.  Trust me.

Think about this.  What if the President asked the whole country to self-quarantine for the next two weeks?  Suspend all international travel, give us a few days to get prepared and then everyone just stay at home for two weeks.  Covid19 would be, for all intents and purposes, gone in the U.S.  The problem is, we can;t do it!  Too many would panic.  The stores would look like Black Friday and everyone would be running on paper towels, toilet paper and hand sanitizer!

I, on the other hand, could close my gate right now and not leave my property for at least six months with no real stress.

You don't have to be living in a bunker, far from society and off the grid.  Just use a little common sense and have some extras of things you might need.

Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s there was a gold rush to Alaska and the Klondike.  Huge numbers of people were going to the Klondike with little or no preparation for what they would find.  The Northwest Mounted Police (Mounties) were not allowing prospectors into the country unless they had a years supply of goods...called "a ton of goods".  If you look at this list, you won't find toilet paper on the list of "necessities".
A Ton of Goods story

Here are some links that can help.
FEMA preparedness info
FEMA Emergency guidelines

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